[center] ALU “Thank you.” She replied, cautiously stepped through the door alongside Zra. Alu felt relieved that they would not have to break in. The thought of fighting this particular vampire scared her more than facing off every other creature in the building. She did not want to be around him for much longer, but for her prince’s sake, she would face any danger. “The kitchen it is, then.” she agreed, wondering if Zra suggested such a random place because he was hungry. But as they were lead to the kitchen, Alu silently followed behind the vampire and focused on trying to figure out just where she was sensing the magic from earlier. The building felt strange and it was like magic lingered everywhere, as if it was within the walls itself, rather than concentrated on a person. They turned the corner and Alu nearly stopped walking out of surprise. In front of them was a strange object, moving entirely on its own. “What is that?” she pointed to what looked like a mop that was mopping the floor by itself. OLIVIER He just didn’t have enough time to clean the fortress all on his own. The spirit knocked out a lot of the hired help, so Olivier had to figure out a way to keep things clean and get some food cooked for when the boss’ uncles arrived. Since the kitchen had less help at the moment, he volunteered to help them, but he charmed a few objects to clean the fortress to help the other workers make the place spotless. A few mops were mopping the floor on their own on the bottom floors, some vacuums cleaning the carpet a few floors up, and dusters were in places at random. He wished he could just clean the fortress himself without relying on his magic, but food was more important, because Olivier had experienced firsthand how annoying vampires could get when they were hungry. “Yo Olivier!” called out one of the cooks, “We just got a call from Marcellina. She wants to order some food for her human friend for some sort of welcoming dinner and snacks for Valente when he gets back.” “Aight, we can hook them up with some of the extra food we cooked for the vampgramps. I think there was a roast duck in the oven almost finished, give em that.” He suggested. They always cooked double the food whenever the boss’s sons wanted to eat in case they started a food fight. But whenever they cooked dinner for Jecht and Trixxtal’s visits, they always made sure to make triple food, because with them there the chance for something to go wrong became significantly higher. JECHT Trixxtal’s jealously always warred against Jecht’s wrath and after about 300 years of both friendship and dating, it had only gotten worse. Jecht found it incredible how Trixxtal still managed to keep finding things to get mad at him for all the time and he just rolled his eyes as more accusations poured out of the vampire’s mouth. “I’m not giving you reasons to be jealous. You imagine things to be jealous about, and all on your own! I’m not doing a damn thing wrong.” He insisted, before narrowing his eyes at Valente for mentioning Cepheus. He still missed his old friend but because Trixxtal hated him, Jecht couldn’t even talk about him without Trixxtal becoming angry. Valente would pay for bringing his dead friend and his precious poodle into this fight, later. His gaze returned to the other vampire, who looked just as mad as Jecht did about the mention of Cepheus, despite their different reasons for it. “I do love you but I’m not putting up with bullshit, so I don’t care if you’re getting tired of it! I’m tired of being accused of cheating because you can’t control your imagination.” He hissed, and let out a ‘tsk’ when he noticed tears forming at the corner of Trixxtal’s eyes. He honestly hated seeing him cry, but Jecht hated losing arguments even more. “And are you about to fucking cry? Really?” he sneered, then bent down and reached for the fallen business card. He shoved it back into Trixxtal’s hands, making sure the lipstick was face-up out of spite. “Well how about you keep this damn card, since you’re acting like a pissbaby over it, and use it to wipe your tears. But if I need a job to get done, instead of just calling her, I’ll just have to visit her now in person since [i]someone[/i] can’t handle me having a damn phone number.” [/center]