Hark cut down another bandit with a horizontal slash as he went overhead with his swing. Hark had lost count of just how many he'd cut down, and he didn't have time to take an account of the corpses on the battlefield. Hark pivoted and slammed his shield into the incoming axe, and followed it up with a quick riposte. The angle was wrong and it went over the top of the bandit's shoulder instead of into his heart. The bandit recovered and Hark brought his shield back into position. The bandit had stumbled back a couple of steps and was considering his next move. Hark took a few heavy, deep breaths and, [i]By the gods! Why am I so tired? Am I out of shape?[/i] Hark thought. His breathing had become heavy, his movements slower and sloppier, he was drenched in sweat and blood, most of it his enemies, with the exception of a few cuts and bruises that should never have happened in the first place. Hark would either have to end this fight now, or find a way to pull back. It took a few moments more than Hark was proud of to take down the bandit only to see more bandits in the distance. Then Hark saw it, a duel between a large bandit and a vinsenian general. [i]Wait a moment? Is that General Von Schmitt? Isn't she retired?[/i] Hark thought as he made his way towards the two.