Damian sighed on the inside. [i]Mission accomplished. Sorta.[/i] He returned his attention to his question, which was actually a fairly important one. "Well, I realized before I got in the shower that I'd need to learn to summon magic swords or something because I could actually kill someone," He taps the hilt of the cutlass on his hip, "with one of these if I'm not careful. So, I was wondering if you knew of any kind of sword summoning magic or something." He lowered his gaze as he finished the question, his old military self showing for just the briefest of moments. He'd been this way with his mother after he'd 'enlisted' with the Royal Army before his parents were killed. "I mean, even if you don't know, if you knew someone who might, it would really help. I could never get rid of these swords, they've got a lot of importance to me, but I also can't use them if they're going to make me like someone from a dark guild."