A group of soldiers started heading straight towards the castle, ignoring the weapons cache Ray uncovered. Ray hesitated. He could go with the army towards the docks, or he could go to the castle and possibly save Runali. He made up his mind and started moving towards the docks, telling himself that if Captain Runali had survived this long, she she didn't need his help to survive, but she could probably use a way off this crazy island. There were sporadic groups of Pirates along the streets, but very few, and most of them simply fled at the sight of a mob of angry men. Those that didn't either met their end at the blade of Ray's sword or at the hands of the army, a nasty way to go. The trip to the warehouses was rather brief, or it seemed brief to Ray, who spent most of his time sneaking towards the prison, or running from that first pirate patrol after he first snuck off the ship. While the soldiers looted the warehouses for their stolen weapons, Ray checked the docks and noticed the Coral Pearl was not just intact, but back in the hands of his comrades. The first squads of re-armed soldiers came out of the warehouses as Ray jogged down to the pier to greet his friends. He was shocked to see that the squad next to him knelt and sighted their muskets at the Coral Pearl. He quickly charged into their group and tackled the nearest one, sending all their shots wide. “Stop! They're on our side!” Ray cried, trying to stop them. He got up and tried to stop another squad from firing at the ship, but the men he just tackled seized him. “You'll all answer for your crimes, pirate scum.” An officer growled, “You think just because you let us go means you won't be punished? Tie him up and take him back to the prison.” Before anyone could bring rope however, something round bumped into the officer's feet. He looked down and shouted at the top of his lungs, “GRENADE!!!” The soldiers holding him released him and immediately dove into the water. Ray ran down the planks as fast as his legs could carry him before the bomb went off, knocking him to his feet and severing the pier from land. He looked back ashore and saw a flash of red hair and a smile before he picked himself up and got to the Coral Pearl. Luro, Marcos and Danny were onboard the ship, but the Captain was nowhere to be seen. “Good to see you guys. It's been a long day.” A shot ricocheted nearby and Ray ducked. “We may wish to get this ship underway.” A cannon boomed and a cannonball whizzed past his head. “Jaysus, what the hell have you gotten yourselves into?” Ray asked from the deck, which he had dropped to to avoid the shot.