Alex stared at the plate. Juice and...'french toast' or what Joel decided to make. The doctor sighed as the priest left, shutting his book. Picking up one piece of the bread, he took a nibble. It was tasty, had to admit. But Alex almost never ate in the morning, couldn't handle it. He instead put the plate in his fridge, it'd be useful as lunch. Crap, he would need to thank Joel at some point...which would reinforce his behavior. Social obligation was a nightmarish circle. As he sluggishly wandered around his house, getting ready and dressing, he slowly drained the cranberry juice. As Alex adjusted his tie and straightened his cuffs, he slid one hand through his nest of hair. It took ten minutes or so to tame the scarlet locks, but the doctor was rather proud of them. Despite that many people assumed he was a woman from behind...and occasionally from the front. He grabbed a bag of reddish powder, a concentrated form of stomach medicine with a touch of pain reliever. Essentially, a useful hangover remedy that Alex stumbled across during his intern years, it worked exceptionally well for even the worst of regretful mornings. Alex had gotten into the habit of simply making a batch for the town's usually heavily inebriated bartender Nuka and delivering it directly during his errands. It was much easier than having her make the trudge to his clinic almost every morning with a powerful migraine. The doctor headed outside, making a beeline for the bar, brow furrowed in his trademark constant look of sheer annoyance. He opened the door to Nuka's Bar, giving a nod to the woman behind the counter as he trudged over. Neither were morning people, it was one of the few things Alex could say he connected to someone else with. He plonked the bag down in front of her, stifling a powerful yawn and the urge to fall asleep at one of the tables. He knew no body would come in to bother him if fell asleep in there, at least not this early. He adjusted his tie, eyes roaming the bar as he spoke in his usual dead, slightly irritated voice. "I see you're up far earlier than you'd care to be, Nuka. My alarm was a thesaurus in priest's clothing, what forced you awake at this...unflinchingly bright morning." Yet again, his tone seemed less questioning and more like a flat statement as his green eyes centered on the bartender.