[img]http://cdn.theatlantic.com/static/mt/assets/science/aldrinmoonREUTERS.jpg[/img] "We embarked on our journey to the stars with a question first framed in the childhood of our species and in each generation asked anew with undiminished wonder: What are the stars? Exploration is in our nature. We began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still. We have lingered long enough on the shores of the cosmic ocean. We are ready at last to set sail for the stars." -Carl Sagan, Cosmos Humanity, nobody expected much from them. Most humans had their lives all planned out, and to them there would be nothing in the future but their normal lives. The sensible ones were completely fine with this, for they believed the could only dream of a more exiting life. Those sensible people withered away into the history books, being known only to those who decided to spend a few days backtracking through their family tree decades in the future. They are not the writers, they are those who look at the story and say "Ridiculous! That is impossible!". Rightfully so, as well. They were completely right, the story the writers wanted to make was impossible. The writers would know this if they were sensible, but they were not. They ignored sense and followed their dreams, never giving a thought to the sensible people who said it couldn't be done. Pushing on ahead, those writers kept their eye on their goal and never allowed to wander. Through this reckless yet calculated journey, the writers finally succeeded. They had done the impossible, something that should not have been possible for such a young and damaged species. While the sensible people watched in awe, the writers trod upon the brilliant road to the stars. While the sensible people killed and fought, the writers marched forwards. The writers had to fight, of course, they were drawn into the conflicts of the sensible. But they never stopped marching, no, they refused to allow the sensible people to be right, to accept that reality truly was nothing more than menial labor and repetition. As the ages passed, the writers kept on marching onward. Though none had yet been able to touch a star, they kept marching with no thought to the thousands that had already failed. They made great progress in their collective quest, continuing to invent new devices to make life just a little bit easier. As life got easier, the writers had more time to think and invent yet more devices to make life even more easy. It was a self-reinforcing loop, but still the sensible people refused to give a thought to the insane dreams of the writers. They used the devices to have more time to lay around doing nothing, but the writers did not care. While all this was happening, nobody gave a though to Earth and its inhabitants, still being stuck in a repeating loop of nuclear annihilation the moment they discovered the technology. Earth rocketed towards that point, having no idea what would happen. Then, something happened. If Gods and Goddesses exist, then their interest was surely piqued. Something anomalous had occurred on that insignificant Earth, though they now had harnessed the power of the atom, their voices continued to speak. Their hearts kept beating, their DNA remained normal, their atmosphere was not full of ash. They had survived the creation of the nuclear bomb, something that had never before happened in the galaxy. Suddenly, Earth was no so insignificant anymore. The writers were closer than ever to achieving their goals. The stars in the night sky burn brighter than ever, beckoning us writers to them. To some the stars say "We will give you power", to others "We will give you respect". Yet more hear "We will give you knowledge", and to a select few, they say something similar yet completely different. To those few, they say "We will give you a home". _____________________________________________________________ As you might have possible realized by now, this roleplay begins right at the dawn of the space race. Obviously, that means it is an alt-history roleplay. However, the in-universe history only loosely sticks to real life. The allies still won WW2, but details are left to the players to decide. The Cold War is going on, but the details of it are absent unless someone points them out in the roleplay. Now, this is an NRP (obviously). However, you can also play exclusively as a space agency if you want. Actually, they will be the primary focus of this RP, if the title didn;t tell you that already. Apps are as follows: [b]=Nation App=[/b] Name (The nation must either exist, or an explanation for why it exists): History (At very, absolute least two paragraphs, exceptions can be made if little history was changed and the nation is well-known): Leader (It can be the real leader of the nation at the time, or someone else): Space Involvement (A simple yes/no question. This will determine if your nation has a government space program. If yes, you must also make a Space Agency app): Other (Anything not listed, go as in depth as you want with this, or just make a suggestion): [b]=Space Program App=[/b] Name (Can be anything, as long as it makes sense. Historical agencies are completely welcome): History (Two paragraphs bare minimum. Who founded it, how it got started, etc. No exceptions from this one. If it is a historical program, use the real history or explain why it is different): HQ Location (You can choose a real world or fictional site): Head of Program (Again, can be someone who really existed or a fictional character): Organizational Structure (Government Agency or Corporation. This will decide where you get your funding, how important the board is, etc. To be a Government Agency, you must be based in an unclaimed nation, have claimed the nation you are based in, or have an agreement with whoever claimed the nation you are based in): Other (Same as the Nation App): [b]=Rules=[/b] 1: While everyone is welcome, we expect at least a paragraph for each post, with readable grammar and spelling that does not cause us to feel physical pain in our eyes. Assume our eyes are extremely sensitive and we have extreme problems with dealing with pain. 2: Please be sensible, goofiness is allowed, utter stupidity? No. You can crack jokes, but you can't build buildings in the shape of pink bears. Unless your mascot is the pink bear, and you have a good reason for it to be a pink bear. Which you don't. 3: We will continue as far as activity permits us, that means we may pass our current year. This does not mean you get FTL and replicators. If we ever reach a point where sci-fi is acceptable, that sci-fi is going to be harder than tungsten. Google ways to do what you want to do if you have to, just don't build a "Whatever Drive". Did I mention no FTL? Ever? Follow Einstein, would you? 4: My decision is final, even when I change it multiple times. [i]Especially[/i] when i change it. Because that will probably happen a lot. Now, onto the gameplay mechanics! These following folders will tell you everything you need to know about the stat part of the RP: [hider=Oraganizational Structures:]Oraganizational Structures: Private Companies – These started out as the play things of billionaires but soon found themselves in the position to make profits for their parent corporations. Private Companies see a market potential in Space exploration in such industries as communications, transport and resource prospecting. While they do have the funding, they need to be aware of losing investment and keep strong profits. These are dependent on their success for funding, both from investments and commercial operations. Space Agencies – These are state-backed organisations that were originally set-up to take advantage of the new era of long range rocketry. they have since left the military sphere of influence and become political mechanisms of national pride and ambition. This ambition has driven the state's best scientists together for a common goal. The funding of such organizations depends upon the actions of their home nation, and public support is incredibly important to them.[/hider] [hider=turns]Turns: No! Don't leave yet! Hear me out here. Yes, this roleplay has turns. That will put some of you off. Just read this before you leave. Turns in this RP will, as usual, be advanced by updates posted by the GM or a mod. Those updates will come out after all members have posted. Each turn is a year, while that might seem like a lot, in the last RP we still managed to go to the moon by '59 with the Turn=Year structure. Each update will include how many rocket parts each space agency can build, their funding and relationship status with NPC parties, and a summary of all missions currently going on. This is where it gets interesting. You;ve all seen "Newspaper Style" posts (Posts where people just state what happened and nothing more). These are most common as updates in turn-based RPs. This roleplay takes "Newspaper Style" literally. Every update will have an actual newspaper with the date, posted as multiple images in hiders. Each newspaper will act as a summary of the year's events, hopefully making it easy and entertaining to follow.[/hider] [hider=Parts]Parts: (Number able to build varies per turn) =Rocketry= Solid Rocket Booster – Designed for getting spacecraft off the ground and little else, this inefficient Heavy Solid Rocket Booster - Same as the normal booster, but much more thrust. rocket design can't control its flow but can carry more than its weight in payloads. Liquid Fuel Tank – Carries enough fuel to supply a single liquid fuel engine for a complete burn. While necessary, multiple tanks can be heavy and can compromise a ship reaching orbit. Heavy Liquid Fuel Tank - Same as the normal fuel tank, but carries twice the fuel. Liquid Fuel Engine – With controllable rate of flow, this mainstream engine is the safest and most efficient engine whether transversing the upper atmosphere or leaving the solar system. Dual-Nozzle Liquid Fuel Engine - Same as the normal LFE, but has a much higher thrust at the cost of using up more fuel. Reaction Control System - Using Mono-propellent and small rocket thrusters, RCS guides vessels at slower changes of velocity for precission movement. Required for safe docking. =Structure= Set of fins – Static wings that prevent the spacecraft from rifling in the atmosphere. Set of winglets – Small ailerons that can be controlled to minimise spin in the atmosphere (requires computational power). Decoupler – Creates multiple stages that lower the weight of the spacecraft by jettisoning empty fuel tanks as the rocket ascends. =Habitat= 1 Man Space Capsule - A small, cramped space with room for only a single person. If you;re going up in this, you had better not be claustrophobic. Not even someone who loves cramped spaces would spend more than a couple orbits in this tin can. Payload Equipment (Infinite numbers for free, just be wary of power needs and weight) Power Supply: Silver-Zinc Battery – A small battery that doesn't weigh much and can power a moderate of equipment for a month or so. (6 KWh/lifetime) =Communications= Radio Transmitting Unit – A box that beeps its data back on low frequencies. (Sub-orbital range) Tracking Transmitter – Sends data to a specific target, as a result of this concentration, can send data from further away. (Orbital to Translunar-ranges). =Computer= Relayed Processor – A system that uses electric transistors to carry out commands and collect data either from an inbuilt clock or from radio signals. =Scientific Tools= Thermometer – Measures Temperature Barometer – Measures Pressure Radiometer – Measures Electromagnetic Radiation Spectrophotometers- Measures Solar Radiation Camera – Takes Pictures Fruit Fly Colony – A small hive of fruit flies that contains a apple for them to eat. =Life Support= Oxygen Tank – Stores Oxygen and release it over time. there is enough for a person for a month. Carbon Dioxide Vent – Vents unnecessary gasses accumulated by respiration to restore pressure. Food and water dispenser – dispenses consumables in a gelatinized form. Waste bag – To collect the excrement of respirational processes of biological life. Electrodes - Monitors vital signs. =Landing Equipment= Parachute – For the safe return of Space vehicle after atmospheric re-entry. Drag-chute - Reduces the speed of re-entry for heavy payloads but is not strong enough to support a landing. =Weapons= Ballistic Warhead - A conventional explosive warhead designed to explode on impact or triggered under certain conditions. Atomic Warhead – A Fission reactor designed to explode, the most powerful bomb in existence that can end total wars in a matter of days. Handheld Pistol - You'll say it's to shoot wolves in Siberia, the conspiracy theorists will say it's to defend the Earth from alien attacks. Which one is it? Who knows? Actually, we do. It was the wolves in Siberia.[/hider] [hider=Infrastructure]=Infrastructure (max. 1 built per turn) (Only 1 of each building)= Vehicle Assembly Building – Required for multi-staged rocket launches Secretive Launchpad – A launch pad away from prying eyes where mistakes can be quieted. Public Launchpad – A launch pad where all the world can marvel at our ambition. Rocket-Propulsion Laboratory – Produces Extra 1 Liquid Fuel Tank per turn. Wind Tunnel – Improves the safety of all future launches. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls) Spaceflight Training Center – Provides education and experience to the future spacefarers. (Safety Building, +1 to all manned rolls) Research & Technology Center – Improves the quality of the scientific tools. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls) Supercomputer – Improves the modelling of spacecraft trajectories and the interpretation of data. (Safety Building, +1 to all rolls) Engine Laboratory - Produces extra 1 Liquid Fuel Engine per turn. General Laboratory - Allows faster research (No number limit) Factory - Produces 1 part of your choosing each turn (Limit of four) (Requires 1 part to build, must be of the type you want to produce) Ground Radar – Used to detect objects in and around the local airspace. Radio Dipole Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data to low orbital ranges. Directional Antenna – Used to transmit and receive data from tracking transmitters.[/hider] [hider=Delta-V Table]=The Delta-V Table= This shows the recommended rocketry needed to get to certain environments relative to the payload weight. It is incomplete until a rocket meets the recommendations. =Sub-Orbit & Atmosphere= No Payload: 1 Liquid Fuel Engine Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 1 Solid Rocket Booster Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ??? =Low Earth Orbit= No Payload: 1 Solid rocket Booster or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine Light (1-5 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters or 1 Liquid Fuel Engine Moderate (5-10 Payload Equip.): 2 Solid Rocket Boosters and 1 Liquid Fuel Engine Heavy (10-15 Payload Equip.): ???[/hider]