Sasha thought for a few moments, "well it probably falls into the category of summoning magic obviously" she bit her lip, thinking. She wanted to be able to help, but wasn't sure how. "Summoning Magic works By using one's magical power and subjugating an animate or inanimate object one highlights a seal of sorts onto them. This seal connects the two users magically, allowing you to summon the item. It essentially allows you to summon your blades, and I'd call it something like your blade magic. You could probably come up with a name" She said brightly "you could also ask the master-she knows everything and could probably direct you to a teacher as well" She wished she could be more help, but Sasha only knew basic information about other magic, not her own. "It means you can keep your blades in a safe place, and also have more that you can use without carrying a whole bunch of stuff." She added