"I need curtains," Nuka muttered, "When the sun is up, I unfortunately am up as well as my windows don't do much of that light filtering bit," she held up the glass she had been cleaning, checking it for any smudges or the like before putting it back on its shelf, picking up another one, "Kinda wish I had a coffee maker on mornings like these," She mumbled, using her nail to get something off the glass, "You want a drink while you're 'ere? Might as well, right?" She looked up at him, stifling a yawn, mostly unsuccessfully. For once in the past week she hadn't needed this stuff and it was a good thing because she was out of it. She didn't know what was in it. She didn't care. It made her days a lot easier now that she knew it existed. Of course, she didn't know what it said that the bartender was more drunk than her customers on about a 85% basis. Then again... she also didn't care about that either. All that mattered was she knew her booze. She did have to say she liked the fact he started bringing the stuff to her rather than her having to drag herself to his joint. Perhaps her rather loud protests to the migraines extra throbbing after being in the bright light convinced him to avoid dealing with her and the priest in the morning. Whatever, it paid off for her and she wasn't going to argue about it. Plus if he bought some alcohol it was almost like it was a fair deal. As another yawn forced its way out, her jaw giving a slight pop at this one, she glanced at the clock. A growl escaped her next as she saw how early it was. Heaven forbid she actually have any other service for the next few hours. The floor behind the counter was sounded more and more desirable as the seconds ticked by. ~Sam is currently enthralled by the wonders of farming~