La Rosa was up a tad early.... Rather it seemed that she was up a tad late. A large yawn escaped her to confirm her exhaustion to the birds that had been flying overhead. What had her walking about in such a state? Well lets role back just a little bit further to the night before! The town used her as a lumberjack but La Rosa,( yes La Rosa, her first name is far to plain.) Is an artist at heart and inspiration can hit her at the drop of a tree. That smell of a freshly downed tree and the pooling sap. Air freshener to most but to La Rosa its a freshly opened can of paint! Despite her job being to simply to down the oversized tree but it turned into a therapeutic evening! A love ballad rang out over night, her melodious chainsaw in harmony with her beautiful voice. As if magic the downed tree became a set of chairs along with a small statue of the birth of Venus. The strange thing is rather than sell it she left it along the trail, with a singular phrase "Beauty is Free". Fast forward to the present La Rosa hears the pair and ducks to the side for a while, hoping to hear something in the terms of young love as. They looked right for it after all, but alas their progression seems to have halted add idle banter. Their conversation was so stagnant it brought out another yawn this time with a forced volume to ensure the pair heard her. Just to grantee that she had their attention she called out and closed the distance. She still smelled of the freshly spilt sap, but that in her mind made for the best perfume. "Hola! Little ones, Its nice to see you both! Are you enjoying the company of the cocks this morning? Are you going for the dinner to elope." The woman smiles coyly before sticking out her tongue and correcting herself, "IT is morning yes! Breakfast! We should have some together yes? With Eggs! Oh yes and the coffee! I love coffee!" Before the pair could get a word in she was upon them! Both her hands on the shoulders of the newcomer. "What is this? I just noticed who is this? I know little chickdy but who is farmboy? He is most cute! You should marry him quick I think!" La Rosa's playful grin had more than doubled in size, it threatened to overtake her face.