-Rose- Rose slipped past the other people who were walking down the sidewalks, keeping her brisk pace up. Measuring in at a slight 4'11" Rose knew she would probably be beat by potential customers to the Soda Shop, even with her brisk pace. With that in mind, Rose picked up her pace even more, weaving through small groups of people as she jogged down the street. Finally she made it to the Soda Shop. The first thing she noticed was that, as she had suspected would happen, she had been beaten to the building. She recognized the lucky soul sitting on the curb as one of the D'finn and Vida kin, named Connor. "Sorry about the wait! Auntie J is busy talking with a friend, but I can take care of you," Rose addressed Connor, as she efficiently unlocked the front door, as she had a million times before. She slipped inside and held the door open for Connor, flicking on the lights while she was at it. "So what can I get for you?" Rose asked him, with a kind smile.