Mika replaces her laser pistol back in in the pocket she was storing it, looking between Silzardo and Wildmax. "Well, I haven't been here that long myself, but from what I can tell? Nothing pleasant. Personally, I'd just let him go. I doubt he's going to be causing any more trouble right now, and he wasn't really the violent one here." She does stop to eye the results of the blast. "I've been closer to worse, don't worry about me..." If anything, the one she felt bad for was the person caught in the blast. But that couldn't be helped nor was it her fault - and there was no reason to dwell on things like that right now. Spending more time than necessary thinking about these kind of things was not going to do wonders for her mental state. And for now, she needed to focus. Exhaling to banish the train of thought, Mika continues: "Might well have triggered the same thing myself, after all." It's a pretty odd statement coming from someone her age. Especially when combined with the fact that she'd just been about to have a gunfight with some criminals...