Vivienne couldn’t contain her bright smile; her joke was still hilarious in her own mind set. She had play that same prank on Ramone once, but he just threw the seed back into her face and it ended in a bit of a wrestling match down by the Hot Springs as a result. (Which Vivienne totally won by the way.) It made her happy that David seemed to be able to take a joke, and was a pretty easy going guy, as far as she could tell. Her emerald eyes watched as he looked over the basket. Vivienne didn’t realize the severity of the bird crap covered items. To her, it really was just a matter of scraping and wiping the excrement off. Sure, it might make the bread a little odd flavored, but nothing a bit of butter and jam couldn’t fix. Vivienne scrunched her nose as she watched David look at the basket in a mix of horror and gratitude. Anyone for miles could see that he wasn’t too keen on the condition of the gift. "There's a lot in here, Ah don't think Ah can thank ya enough for it-" David had started off, before he was interrupted by a chirp erupting from the basket. Vi’s gaze traveled down as she watched David talk to and continue on to feed the chick from his hand. Her mouth gaped to apologize for the invasion of the chicken but soon realized there was no need for it. Sure, most people in town had an okay time with her chickens; but she hadn’t seen anyone able to feed them out of their hands beside her father, and herself respectfully. [i]”You know..”[/i] Vivienne started, clearing her throat as she leaned on the fence to get a better view of the two of them together. [i]”You could keep him if you’d like. I mean, I raise em’ all the time, and usually charge for em’, but I think you need all the help you can get.”[/i] Vivienne nodded, positive at her decision. [i]”Plus, he looks like he’s taken quite the liking to you, and I can’t break that up!”[/i] Vivi gave another giggle as she turned back and maneuvered through the chickens back to the bag of feed. She took a heaping two handed scoop and walked back to David, leaning over and letting it cascade into the gift basket. [i]”That’ll keep him for a few weeks.”[/i] she commented swiping her hands together to get off the dust of the feed. A silence lasted for a moment before she snapped back to the moment, [i]“Anywhooo, farm boy. I’d love to stand and talk all day, but I got to get back to work here!”[/i] she dismissed him turning around to continue with her chores. The list of chicken farm chores would NORMALLY include: returning to the bag, tying it up and lifting it up to put back in the coop for safe keeping, changing their water, collecting the eggs, and disposing of the various feathers and dead birds alike. Today couldn't just be a [b]normal[/b] day. "Hola! Little ones, Its nice to see you both! Are you enjoying the company of the cocks this morning? Are you going for the dinner to elope." Vivienne froze as the town's lumberjack came into her peripheral view and quickly moved over to them. If Vi hadn't seen the woman, she surely would have smelled her. It wasn't a bad smell, but it was strong. The woman continued on: "IT is morning yes! Breakfast! We should have some together yes? With Eggs! Oh yes and the coffee! I love coffee!" [i]"I hate eggs!"[/i] Vivienne started, [i]"These aren't cocks, these are chickens! What kind of person do you take me for? I'm not raising them to put in the cock festival or fight em in the back woods, I'm raising em' for food for my family, and the rest of ya'll too!"[/i] Vivienne grappled, looking back at various items that still needed to be taken care of. Before Vivienne could start to give another reason as to why La Rosa needed to take some time at the library to understand the difference between the animals, La Rosa spoke once again, putting her hands upon David's shoulders: "What is this? I just noticed who is this? I know little chickdy but who is farmboy? He is most cute! You should marry him quick I think!" Vivienne face grew the shade of red to match the lumberjack. [i]"Don't call me chickdy, you always call me that!"[/i] Vivienne whined, kicking her feet in the dirt as she grew frustrated with this embarrassment. [i]"And, I'm not going to marry no stranger, he just got here yesterday! He probably can't even tell the difference between a Ancona and a Andalusian!"[/i] In all fairness, neither could Vivienne. Vi's arms crossed in a stubborn fashion that resembled her mothers, [i]"You two go get married, I'll worry about getting my chores done today!"[/i] her statement came out flat, as she disregarded their answers and walked towards the bag to bring it back into the coop to be stored.