Evon stared at the outfits before nodding. She had bought a few so she figured it wouldn't take long, plus it helped that she was a fast changer. She found that most of the dresses that Linda had gotten her were incredibly soft and soothing on the skin. She had enjoyed the feeling of it despite how it showed her legs. Eventually Evon settled on a simple dress with leggings since it would be good for the cold weather. It was comfortable and casual so she was fairly happy with her [url=http://www.newdresses2013.com/wp-content/uploads/4dresses-with-leggings.jpg]choice.[/url] “Do you think you can do my hair?” she asked her, she wanted to have her hair fish braided since it was long enough to be done. Linda couldn't help but chuckle at her question as she nodded slowly, “Of course miss,” she said before motioning for her to sit down. Once Evon was dressed she left her room with Linda behind her, heading her way straight down since she knew she had taken a bit of time. He had woken up early because he wanted to leave early, so it was natural that she had to be a little quicker not to hold him back from his time schedule. Once she spotted him, she smiled having already put on her boots. “Sorry did I take long? I wasn't sure of what to wear since all the clothes were really soft,” she explained as Linda chuckled from behind. “Miss. Lyren, your scarf.” Linda spoke as she offered it to her. Evon thanked her with a smile and it wasn’t long until she heard the car horn from outside front door, she guessed that Martin had already brought the car over during the time she was changing. “Shall we?” Evon asked him with a raised brow, moving to open the door for them.