Unit X45-31 focused his visual receptors onto Wildmax, "Bounty is not being turned in. Slizardo is being kept with you." Unit X45-31 hummed for a moment, before turning his head to focus on the other cleaning droids. "Area is now free of shrapnel remains, oil slick remains. Unit X45-31 shall clean that up." Unit X45-31 glanced at the larger disposal droid, which focused it's single visual receptor on Unit X45-31. -You do not need to do that Unit X45-31- the Disposal Droid chimed towards Unit X45-31. "I insist Unit 87RT. You have that date with Unit 6O-KYR." Unit X45-31 said as he nodded his head. -I hope it goes well. I just mustered up the courage to ask him on it.- Unit 87RT responded to Unit X45-31 "Friends do that for friends." said Unit X45-31. With that the larger disposal droid quickly rolled out of the area. -Thank you.- After the conversation Unit X45-31 held out his left hand, as a nozzle emerged from his palm which extended onto the oil. "Cleaning excess oil spill." The oil was quickly and efficiently vacuumed into the robot. Unit X45-31 vacuumed it up for a little longer, before emitting a sweet sounding chime. "Process complete. Area is secure and free of debris. Sending additional information regarding the event." The robot hummed for a moment, before trudging off. The two smaller ones quickly rolled away after the Butler-bot.