[b]Berserker Captain and the Bandit Playa Haters[/b] The berserker's blood boiled in his veins as crazed eyes glared at his target, living only to skin the whore alive before violating her family and loved ones in an orgy of death and pain. Teeth gnashed against the open air, biting and snapping as clear fluid splattered forward as the frothing visage of terror howled for gore and agony. The muscles of the hefty man rolled and clenched with the shaking fury that possessed his hulking frame as the guillotine of his axe was raised again for another, earthsplitting strike. It impacted with as much brutal force as the mountain-bound killer could muster, sliding off the shield a burst of sparks, even as the rest of the man pushed forward and dove for Alice's free hand, using the lack of space to his advantage as he prepared to simply crush the woman under his girth to incapacitate her so that he and his men could kill her at their leisure later. --- [b]Faris[/b] Faris flinched backwards as Barst rounded the corner, raising her still healthy left arm in a defensive gesture against the surprise attack that she thought was coming. After a moment of awkward silence, the mercenary relaxed when she realized who called out to her. [b]"Godsdammit, Barst, I thought you were a bandit."[/b] From where the pegasus archer was standing, an observant eye could discern the bruising that already forming around her misshapen arm and her slender neck. She shuddered, nearly loosing her grip on the blade as the scarlet liquid that used to be inside the now very dead bandit's head trickled down her hand and face, remnants from the brutal beating that had transpired moments prior. Blearily, the mercenary blinked away the sticky blood that was now trickling from her hairline before continuing in a raspy voice. [b]"I was tracking a group of five or so. I ambushed the couple of the stragglers, didn't turn out so well."[/b] She shrugged her broken arm, wincing at the maneuver and grunting in pain. [b]"As ya can tell. I think that the re-"[/b] Faris' voice vanished as her hooded eyes suddenly shot open, mouthing a curse as glimmering light enveloped the mercenary. A sickening crack emanated through the alleyway as her injured twisted violently, the bulging bone vanishing back into place as the bruising around her neck and arm faded back into the pale flesh that covered the rest of the young Carthul's body. [b]"Urgh."[/b] The mercenary shuddered, the disturbing feeling of the magical aftermath rushing through her body as she shot a glare around, staring at the walls and floor of the blood-soaked alley suspiciously. A full minute passed before she continued, speaking excruciatingly slowly as she tested her fully healed arm by hefting the gore-splattered iron blade. [b]"...I think that the rest continued down the alleyway, and over to the-"[/b] Faris pointed just as a horrible scream rent the air, obvious sounds of the bandits falling to the newest additions to the band of mercenaries. --- [b]Duraid[/b] His breath came hard and fast as he ploughed into the surrounding bandits, being held from the berserking captain by a veritable tide of axe-wielding flesh. Hissing a curse against the breeding habits of the mountain folk, he began to smash the steel head of the axe into any bit of exposed flesh that he could, his wicked grimace hidden by the metallic visor of his helmet.