[quote=Freeshooter92] Please tell me that we won't have LOLMETALBIKINI sorcerers, right? There's literally no reason for it (Save fanservice. If there's one thing I can't stand about awakening, it's the overabundance of unnecessary creepy fanservice. Also, Nowi's romantic supports. Especially Gregor... urgh). A friend of mine tried to tell me that they didn't wear much because they were from the desert, but that's bullshit. Look at the middle east, everyone over there wears really bulky clothes. Partly because religion, but also because wearing so little is just asking for sunburns and heatstroke. [/quote] Well, no, because the sorcerers here mean business in ways that are generally considered unpleasant by the rest of the community. As for the druids, or more specfically, drui[i]d[/i] that'll make an appearance, you'd best hope that he's not wearing skimpy clothing. That'd be considered a cruel and unusual punishment for all involved.