Tsubaki of all people should have known that there's no such things as ghosts. So. Like. Why did she even [i]suggest[/i] spending the night to Yayoi again? Sigh. "Where the hell is she?" Tsuki asked, flipping her phone open. Her girlfriend sent a text at around noon confirming they were totally meeting up. That was several hours ago. School's out. Tsuki even snuck out early just for the sake of being early. But here she was, still in her uniform, standing in front of a stupid fence wrapped around a abandoned school like a complete creeper. Yeah no one was going to see anything wrong with this. Tsuki looked towards the sky, eyes squinted. The sun was starting to set. That... Made her feel kind of horrible? How long had she been standing there? Her father was home today, sure, but she could be off doing something constructive. Maybe it was all for her girlfriend. She wasn't falling head over heels for Yayoi but she clearly dug her well enough to waste so much time for her sake... Or maybe her nerves were playing tricks on her. Or... Something. Impatient, Tsuki flipped her phone open and gave Yayoi a call. It went straight to voicemail, which was... Odd. Yayoi was OCD when it came to charging her phone and she always had it on. She tried again, just in case it didn't go through.. Nothing. Tsuki couldn't just leave, could she? What if Yayoi arrived the second she left? She'd be in the doghouse for sure. Maybe she'll... She'll just wait to hear back. Just in case she was really coming. Tsuki sighed a second time, pressing her back up against the chain-link fence. Honestly, she had no clue how they was supposed to get inside. They could climb the fence and break a window, maybe. But. Like, didn't somebody say the fence was gone? That's what Tsuki told Yayoi... Confirmed rumors her ass, Tsuki thought, as she looked towards the old school and saw a silhouette standing in one of the windows. Unable to make anything out, she started scanning windows, wondering if there was anything else. In typical horror movie fashion, the figure was gone when she looked back. Friggin spooks, man.