[B]"You know... You could keep him if you’d like. I mean, I raise em’ all the time, and usually charge for em’, but I think you need all the help you can get."[/B] David looked back at Vivienne, eyes wide. "Really?" He asked in disbelief, glancing back down at the chick. It seemed perfectly happy in the basket as of that moment, looking up at him for a second, before going back to eating. He was washed over with happiness, though didn't express too much of it due to shock. To think, he'd have his very own little chicken already. It'd require a lot of care, but he was sure he could supply it. Being treated nicely like this, David couldn't help but feel motivated to make the farm a success. He figured her concerns were well-placed, but at this point she was sort of drilling it in that it wasn't going to be a peaceful ride to get things going. It was becoming a bit much. Of course, he wasn't about to say anything. Especially since Vivienne began speaking again. [B]”Plus, he looks like he’s taken quite the liking to you, and I can’t break that up!”[/B] "Heh, well... That's real kind of you." He said, watching as she went back towards the coop. It gave him a moment to think about what he should do next. Where exactly was everything else? He'd just kind of wandered here... He figured he'd end up just doing that until he knew the place somewhat. Seemed like it'd work out. What could really go wrong? Not like he could get lost, right? Of course, he had as a child... He shook away the thoughts, as Vivienne brought some chicken feed and put it into the basket. She said it'd last a few weeks; and he was very thankful for it. "That's good t'hear. Ah'll make sure the little fella eats well, don't you worry." He tried to assure her things would be fine, as he thought they would be. The little chicken was just like any other pet, right? It wouldn't be that hard to take care of. At least he thought so. Maybe chickens weren't exactly pets though... Even if they were his animals. He'd have to think about that more in the future. [B]“Anywhooo, farm boy. I’d love to stand and talk all day, but I got to get back to work here!”[/B] David nodded, as she began taking her leave. "Thank ya again, Vivienne!" He said, preparing to go about his day as well. Maybe take this stuff home and get it all settled in his home. Figure out where he was going to keep the little chick as well, giving he didn't exactly want to be too far from it at any given time. He was quite joyful as he prepared to leave, but it seemed that life had other plans as a voice came out of what felt like nowhere. [B]"Hola! Little ones, Its nice to see you both! Are you enjoying the company of the cocks this morning? Are you going for the dinner to elope."[/B] "What?" David simply stared for a moment, not able to say anything about what he just heard. He simply glanced back between the woman and Vivienne, unsure of what just ended up happening. Suddenly, offers of breakfast came up. Eggs. Coffee. She seemed very friendly, though something seemed off. Vivienne took offense to her comments, and David simply observed, ready to take his leave considering it wasn't exactly his conversation anymore. Or it wouldn't have been if the woman wouldn't have suddenly placed her hands upon his shoulders. [B]"What is this? I just noticed who is this? I know little chickdy but who is farmboy? He is most cute! You should marry him quick I think!"[/B] "What?!" David frantically began shifting his eyes away from them, looking down the road in order to avoid eye-contact. He couldn't help but look back as Vivienne began getting irritated, her comment confusing him aside from the "he just got here yesterday" bit. [I]'Andalu-what?'[/I] He thought to himself, actually unsure of what she was saying. He probably wasn't the most educated person you'd ever meet, honestly. Though pushing past that, nothing could have prepared him for what came next. [B]"You two go get married, I'll worry about getting my chores done today!"[/B] "W-Wait..." David found himself unable to raise his voice and call for Vivienne to not leave him alone in this situation. He would've pulled himself away from the woman, had it not been for the basket he was holding. Though he did pull his hand out, wiping his hand off on his pants. The little chick chirped from inside the basket, seeming to miss his hand or something along those lines. David was ready to skip out and head home, not exactly wanting to take Vivienne's suggestion to heart. Of course, as much as David wanted to just run, he couldn't make himself budge. He kind of stood there, a much different kind of shock overtaking him this time. He found himself not being able to speak up too well. "Aah... Ah really should get goin'. Need ta, uh... Put all of this away back home, heh... Heh..." A nervous laugh escaped him. For better or worse.