Danny's head was snapping back and forth, watching the fight on shore, and looking for the girl or the captain. She was relieved when she saw the two of them surface, only to have her heart sink as the captain did. She assisted the princess to the shore briefly before diving back in after her captain, a soldier beside her. He went for the captain, pulling her to the shore, while Danny went for the fish. Or, the fish went for her. It was slowed by the chains still wrapped around it, but it was still bloody fast. Thinking fast, Danny pet herself sink deeper, under the fish, and gripped the chains as it went by, tugging on them. The tiny girl kicked hard, headed for the shore as she tried her best to keep the fish in the chains, wrapping them around more, pulling it along. She gasped as she reached the surface, kicking at the wriggling fish behind her. She needed to get to where she could touch the ground. It was easier said them done, the fish thrashing around her, cutting her. She still did it, and pulled up on the chains, holding them as high as she could, pulling the fish half above the surface. She continued on, bringing the thrashing thing higher and higher above the water until Danny reached the shore, dripping with both water and blood, the fish's wriggling weakened. Dropping and dragging the fish across the shore, she let herself drop to her knees, laying on her stomach, coughing a bit. "I got us supper!" She murmured, looking back to see the fish had stopped moving completely, dying in the open air. Feeling hands upon her, Danny thrashed, standing up to see Kai against a tree and Fenn being led away. She looked to the soldiers surrounding her, confused and scared. "I'm fine, please don't touch me, I'm just scratched up a bit." She said, gripping the chains which still were wrapped around the fish, dragging her prize to Kai, flopping down beside him. "I thought you were dead set on killing that other guy. Fenn, with the face. Are you alright?"