The mid day sun pried through every crack in the boarded up windows of the Lucky Dog pet store. Delilah let out a sigh before rolling of the couch and heading for the roof access stair case. Her dogs at her heels, she slowly pushed open the heavy, modified door and stepped, blinky into the sun. The heat formed a blanket that engulfed her and the black roof at her feet. Her dogs followed at her heels as she shuffled to the small greenhouse nestled in the corner of the roof. With a quick twist of her wrist the green house erupted with water from makeshift pipes that dangled over the various vegetables and herbs. Delilah then turned on her heels and headed to other side of the roof. Her building and the taller one next to it actually shared the connecting wall and she used the brick surface to carve tally marks every day. She slowly connect them up, like she did every day. Of course she did not need to connect them, she already knew what the answer would be. It was 187. One-hundred-and-eighty-seven days since her father climbed down the roof to gather supplies and look for survivors. One-hundred-and-eighty-seven-days since she last saw him. She turned from the wall. She didn't want to think about him anymore. He had to have a good reason for not being back yet, but deep inside she felt like she had been abandoned. Her gaze drifted down to the street. She was hoping to see someone, anyone, moving around below her. But to no avail. She was completely alone. Like always. A Soft whimper escaped her lips as she flopped down against the hot roof, proping herself up against the short brick wall that the top of the building.