[b]Name[/b] [i]Ariel Vexen[/i] [b]Age[/b] [i]16[/b] [b]Appearance[/b] [img]http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2013/216/a/f/fantasista_doll_sasara__by_momo_honey-d6glhqx.png[/img] [b]Canon or OC[/b] [i]OC[/i] [b]Personality[/b] [i]Ariel is very hyper. Ariel, seemingly doesn't seem too be tired she can be fast pace all the time when shes around people. Talking really fast and ..just doing everything really fast! Though Ariel has many energy she can be calm at times when she is doing nothing, rarely atleast. Ariel is childish but she can be serious at moments when she is needed.[/i] [b]Magic[/b] Enhanced Flailmanship. - The ability to wield flails or chained weaponry with great skill. A variation of Weapon Proficiency. Users are able to demonstrate nimble aptitude for swinging weaponry. The user is able to wield swinging weaponry with great skill in hand condition, agility and moderate attack power. Her most used weapon is known as the YOYO. Though it may seem like a odd weapon Ariel can use her weapon effiently and increasing its power when hit. Though you may think of its materials. They are all enhanced by the users mana which causes it too do more damage . [img]http://i29.photobucket.com/albums/c291/infernoduelist/tristar.jpg[/img]