Quick explanation of how dice rolls will work for people interested We will roll for each mission, or launch, as it is called 1-8 is a bad roll, hope you don't roll in this range or you will get fucked hard. 9-16 Are okay rolls, most of the time you will land here 17-20 are good rolls. These will get you huge bonuses and guarantee the success of any missions The safety buildings mentioned in infrastructure add a bonus to all rolls, so if you roll a 7 you can still get a okay roll since the bonus adds up. Now another important thing The parts you can build matter on your funding. Funding for corporations matters from Board Support, the higher your board support the more funding you have. Think of board support as a reflection of what the investors think. For Space Agencies your actions and how you succeed matters as well. Public support for agencies, while not affecting funding, will mater. You can also do other things for funding, like launching satellites and leasing them to a TV company, however a majority of your funding will come from what was mentioned above.