This is great... keep it up, everyone! Heh... the following is care of two people I know, Windra and JunoZXV. Enjoy: _______________________________ [b][i]"Man, I'd play wit' dose bells."[/i][/b] Juno's mind reeled in an instant, he... he knew this. It was innuendo. And Juno's memory reeled as his days of piracy flew back. He knew that this could be used as a method of seduction or downright confusion... the only way to fight it back was to use something similar... and thus began his retaliation. [b]"Stick around, I'll teach you how to juggle balls."[/b] [b][i]"Get da greasepaint outta dose unreachable places, yea?"[/i][/b] [b]"Do that I and I'll give you a lube change"[/b] [b][i]"Spit-shine those high-heels, bebbeh."[/i][/b] [b]"Sure and while you're at it I'll be sure to polish your guns."[/b] [b][i]"Wanna go see da big top?"[/i][/b] [b]"If your lucky you might just see the big tent."[/b] [b][i]"Do ya honk?"[/i][/b] [b]"Depends, do you squeeze?"[/b] [b][i]"How 'bout we see da second-greatest show on da planet?"[/i][/b] [b]"Why? Is the slogan 'we try harder?'"[/b] [i]That did it[/i], he thought. The confused response probably bent Scarlet's warped brain a bit more. The proof was in her dazed response. [b][i]"Who are ya again?"[/i][/b] [i]And now for the killer:[/i] [b]"The frickin Easter bunny, and Ive got a huge basket."[/b] _______________________________ The following post made me happy, back when I made it. Thought it "flowed" quite well: --------------------- In the tree, some ways up... but not too high... Deen had himself draped over a branch, napping. Warmth... heat, wafted off the wastelands... from all the sun and early afternoon daylight... made The Edge a good place to catch a few winks. Thoee... she'd run off to hunt up a snack, and Deen... he'd stayed behind, to rest up a bit. To absorb some dappled sunshine into his fur and scales, to enjoy the warm winds that played tag with shivered leaves, a rustle of noise and vegetative conversation. Only two of his nostrils flared with each steady inhale, the other two with each sighing exhale... in... out... in... out. But... something touched his sleeping biosense. Made his tail itch. He shifted position... flicked his tail, reached a clawed hand back to scratch... laid his oversized ears back, fluffed his feathered shroudruff, sucked a bit on his tongue, yawned, and... ... drooled. Yes, a quite generous loogie, lost before it could be swallowed. Plopped, right on top of this unusually large mushroom that hadn't been there before.... Deen shook away his sleepiness, removed his clawed hand from its butt-scratch duties, and wiped away what salival fluids hadn't escaped. Then, he looked down, a bit surprised by what his biosense told him... ... [b]"Sorry about that!"[/b] he called down, not quite sure if he was making an idiot of himself by talking to a fungus, or if he was about to get yelled at......... *