Urm, At this moment in time I do not know where I will start off, specially for my Demon character, cause if the sisters are only just getting their powers then they dont want to be facing an upper level demon to soon, though I could have in control of lower level demons (tis a bit of a norm in the charmed world) to send to attack the sisters, As for my whitelighter, I think having him as a handy man/decorator is a tad bit much, so might have him as the postman or something, that way he is always around but not intrusive (any better ideas are welcome :D ) Yeah - sure, and not at the moment. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Drake Race: Whitelighter Age: 70 years + (most of this time has been as a whitelighter) Age at death: 35 Appearance: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111024125043/charmedchosenlegacy/images/0/0e/Noah-main.jpg Powers: Orbing: Sensing: Cloaking: Healing: Glamouring: Hovering: Photokinesis: Other Powers Omnilingualism: Reconstitution: Immortality: Personality: revealed IC mainly because I never seem to be able to stick to Personalities lol History: Died just before the outbreak of the Great War, he was not rich or noble but something in the way he acted in life made the elders believe he would believe he would make a good whitelighter. (And I cant think of anything else for history lol) Name: Atazoth Human Alias: Leon Kent Race: Demon (upper level) Appearance: http://i86.photobucket.com/albums/k120/Leicon_Kodai/mikk.jpg Powers: Energy Balls Fire Balls Shimmering Immortality(?) High Resistance Shadow Manipulation (he can create clones out of shadows as well as use them to form tendrils and when there is sufficient shadow he can take on a shadow form where he loses his powers but his shadow manipulation is much stronger) (http://s3.amazonaws.com/rapgenius/1373848412_demonic.jpg) During the day his shadow manipulation weakens to a degree Personality: Being Lazy and saying revealed IC History: Dont know for now, apart from he is one in a long line of upper level demons charged with the task of killing the sisters.