Bjorn welcomed the cold caress of water underfoot, choosing to ignore the fact that it was teaming with a slew of larvae. He was disappointed to find that his shield, quiver, and bow had vanished in the transition between the two realms. Instead, he found himself adorned in a blue tunic and a pair of blue trousers, each with the slightest tinge of purple, the same color as the mote from the other realm. He took a brief glance at the other people in this hallway, noticing that they too were given clothing of various colors and shades. Was it possible that they had all collectively experienced the trials in darkness? Bjorn turned his attention away from the people and began to survey his surroundings. Dislodging a torch from the wall beside his tomb, he turned towards the end of the hallway with the busted statue. Normally he'd deem examining the statue unworthy of his time and energy, but after going through the mote's trials, he learned that being thorough is never a bad thing. He brushed past the man in green and outright avoided getting near the man in black. He circled the statue twice over, making sure he didn't miss any visual detail. Great, just as he had assumed, the statue had absolutely nothing to it. Bjorn turned away from the statue and followed the remainder of the group towards the chamber at the opposing end of the hallway.