I think I'm done. May add one or two more details. Maybe. [hider=Red Mage Charlotte] Name: Charlotte Aurum Age: 17 Gender: Female Appearance: [url= http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140227003148/horadeaventura/es/images/9/97/Blonde-hair-animes-anime-30920322-500-632_zps4269dc8a.jpg]Charlotte[/url] is a young lady with pale skin and long, luscious blonde hair that sweeps her waist. She has rather large dark blue eyes with small facial features and a round face, making her look youthful. She is of average height around five feet and maybe six or seven inches, her body more on the slender side, though she has a modest bust and hips. Her attire usually consists of red, white, and black clothing, her main [url= http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs14/f/2007/021/b/0/Red_Mage_by_Kie_chan.jpg]outfit[/url] consisting of a red top coat with long sleeves, a red top laced with white string, a pleated red and black skirt and knee-high brown boots with white over-the-knee socks decorated with red lace. She tops off the ensemble with a [url= https://img0.etsystatic.com/000/0/5480020/il_570xN.216304482.jpg]white feather accessory[/url] in her hair, on the left side of her head. Nationality: Centran Trained At: Trabia Weapon/Combat Style: Charlotte's style comes from specializing in offensive magic. Strangely, however, her weapon comes in the form of a [url= http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110417114914/soldiersofsteam/images/1/12/Rapier.gif]rapier[/url] she uses to conduct her magic, often swinging it as one would a wand. While her physical attacks aren't strong, she combines them with her magic for a more effective way of fighting. She is quick and agile, relying on how many attacks she gives rather than the strength of the attack, although if she can sit back and cast more powerful magic traditionally, as well. Limit Break: Splendid Venus For a certain amount of time, dedicated to how much damage she has taken (proportionate to how much "HP"" is left) her spells double in power and come with no cost, effectively becoming a magic machine, firing spells one after another. Personality: Charlotte is a calm person who is always collected. She is relatively pragmatic, and is also somewhat cautious, and is hesitant to help strangers, being distrusting of virtually everyone. Above all, Charlotte thinks before she acts, and this extends to her battling. She makes herself clear and concise, not wanting any misunderstandings, and is willing to come off as cold if it means distancing herself from people, this likely coming from any feelings of abandonment from her parents. She will never admit to any weakness of hers, nor is she one to lose her temper. She tries to think as rationally as possible, thinking of all outcomes before making any big decisions. If asked, she is usually willing to explain things to those who wish for such information. She is usually very nonchalant, disinterested in normal conversation, but will partake in it for the sake of not wanting to be rude. She is somewhat overly polite to everyone, even to her opponents. When speaking of a touchy subject (mainly her parentage) she tends to get defensive, effectively ending the conversation by walking away. She is secretly afraid to get close to anyone or anything, afraid to put her trust in others, and is willing to go along the rest of her life alone if it meant that she would never get betrayed. She is reluctant when put in a situation that requires her to trust other people, and she often shies away from group activities. Nonetheless, she often forces herself to cooperate, as she is well aware that SeeDs are usually put into teams--and will try to go along with it as much as possible, even if she doesn't like it. She will try her best to be as professional as possible should the need arise. Biography: For both Lucas and Aurora Aurum, their lives were dedicated to one thing and one thing only: researching the history of the world. The two founded their own, small excavating company appropriately named Aurum Works, their base located close to the Centra Excavation Site. Lo and behold, the two were so into their work that when it was time for Aurora to give birth, there was no time to get to a hospital. And so Charlotte was born. Their focus was now shared between their excavating and their daughter, though Charlotte would recall that their work would often take up most of their time. As a result of her parents' jobs, they would often travel from place to place, never truly staying for too long before packing up and going elsewhere where they could find more ruins to study. Charlotte grew up never getting too attached to one place, know it was just a little piece of her life that would eventually be gone. Eventually, as she got older, she found that as much as she appreciated the history of the world, she didn't really want it to be her job for the rest of her life. She was tired of always moving, wanting to settle down, stating that she would rather do anything else. Her parents took her words literally, and after making a few calls, she found herself enrolled into Trabia Garden. Despite her protests, they told her that it would be good for her. She had very little contact with her parents after that, and as she felt alone in this strange, new place, she effectively felt abandoned. As she had little choice, Charlotte was somewhat resentful of her position, but she did warm up to it. The idea of battling monsters and defending the peace and whatnot did peak her interest, and so she dedicated most of her days to studying and training. When she did find and bond with her GF, she found that she had a knack for magic, and made sure that she focused on that. Additional information: -With her GF's support abilities, Charlotte technically qualifies as a Red Mage -Her favorite color is red -She is quite proud of her hair and does her best to maintain it -She enjoys quiet days in the library -She secretly loves reading trashy, romantic novels -She carries a small music box with her at all times. It was the last birthday present she received from her mother, and she plays it whenever she needs comforting. -Charlotte is claustrophobic and monophobic -Despite trying to come off as mature, she can really hold a grudge for a long time -She likes sweets and dislikes spicy foods -She can play the piano well -She isn't a fan of animals, and will physically try to stay away from them as much as possible [url= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PKFjPfP7aTs]Charlotte's Theme - Reminiscence[/url] GF: Mog Appearance: [img= http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100909005210/finalfantasy/images/1/1c/Ffcc-tcb_moogle.jpg] Elemental Affinity: Cure Junctions: GF is support based, and when summoned casts Regen on the entire party, and randomly casts Protect, Shell, or Reflect. Abilities: Magic - Recover - Cover [/hider]