Name: Natasha Draco Age: 18 Appearance: Natasha has medium length, wavy blonde hair. Her eyes are a bright green and sometimes flashes from human to snake eyes when she's angry or irritated. She has fairly large bat wings coming out of her back, a putrid light brown and purplish color. Her ears are black and cat like, as well as a furry tail on her butt. She also has sharp teeth and a forked toungue, resembling the face of a snake. Her body is tall and slender, she's about 5' 10" tall. She has strange bat like feet that are about the same color of her wings. Her lips are blood red and she is basically prettier than most people her age. Gender: Female Race: Hybrid DNA type: Snake, bat, cat and human. Element: Darkness Weakness: Light, she doesn't like it much. When the sun comes up she is weaker and prefers to create hersef some darkness using her powers, but when it's dark and the light is suddenly thrown back on she will get stunned for a bit and become weaker than usual. Soothing music will also calm her if she becomes angry (calm as in not agressive and won't hurt you as much, its not a good thing for her when fighting people) Weapon: A poison dagger with snake venom that causes searing pain, dizziness and in extreme cases, death. Bio/Personality: Natasha is generally an angry person. Not nessesarilly mean, but angry. She's strong when it comes to hand-to-hand combat, as well as stealthy attacks. She isn't good with guns and prefers a knife or any melee weapon. She is fast on her feet and is flexible, so she can hide somewhere and get someone from behind if she needs to. Her bat feet allow her to hang upside down and hide behind her wings in dark corners like a bat. Her teeth are vemonous, and she can easily bite anyone, although she mostly uses her teeth and forked toungue to bring fear into her victim and make them easier to attack. She can see in the dark due to being part cat and hear well. Natasha was kidnapped when she was 15 and sold to become a hybrid at 17. She sneaked out of the facility that blew up and was destroyed, and learned a lot durig her days as a captive. She is now very emotional and often acts irratable and angry. She seeks revenenge and is ready to go to war at any cost, including her life. She is cunning and quick, but unspeakably rude. She does desire to have friends and be kind to others but somehow her disposition just makes her a jerk. Theme: DUNUNUNUNUNUNUNUN BATGURL Porcupines are god If she is too op or something I will gladly change it.