Sunlight peaked through the top of the tent waking Harlan from his sleep. Groggily he managed to stand up and wipe the sand from his eyes. He pushed open the flap that was the entrance and shielded his eye from the blinding sun. Once his eyes adjusted, he stretched and made his way over to where he kept his gear. Harlan kept all his food and other supplies outside his tent since he needed the elbow room. The rooftop that was his home wasn't exactly the most spacious of places to live, so space conservation was a huge deal for him. He picked up the package of crackers that were his rations, only to find it empty. Great now he'd have to scavenging. He grabbed the Glock that was his only protection against the Infected, put on his beanie, and trekked down the fire escape he used to get to and from his home. Once he was down on the street he moved silently and swiftly, looking for someplace suitable to find some food.