"What in the ragnas is that." Sun asked, staring at Tiberius' axe, a knife shooting past his face. Gren had raised his gun at the orange haired man, calmly firing at him. Sun responded by kicking the ground, a wall of ice surging up to serve as defense against the blades. "Fine, don't wanna get close? Fine by me!" He said, punching the wall of ice, the frozen water shifting, icicles shooting out of it.. The icicles outnumbered Gren's rate by quite the bit, so the blonde jumped back, taking cover behind a tree. "Can you just SOD-OFF?" He yelled, ducking out of cover, and shooting again...at Magnus. "Hey, you're fighting ME." Sun growled, throwing up a wall of ice before the blades came near Magnus' and Tiberius's fight. Sun nodded, turning back to Gren. Only to find him gone. "I fucking fell for that." Sun said, his voice dry and with the smallest hint of self-disgust. This guy was kind of a pain in the ass, Sun had to admit. Maybe he had run away? "Of course you didn't." Sun groaned, rolling out of the way as knives came shooting at him from behind. "Can I ask what your problem is?" "You." "ooooooh, [i]edgy[/i]. Nice. Real nice." Sun threw up his arms, blocking a kick as Gren jumped at him, pushing him away. "Well, now that we're so close and touchy with each other..." Sun smirked, drawing his blades of silver and gold, stabbing at Gren. Quick pokes, with one or two powerful lunges thrown in there for good measure. "Give up, you [i] can't[/i] stab me." Gren said, gracefully dodging. "Really now? Got any reason for that?" Sun asked, sending both swords to stab at once. Gren stopped, pulling the trigger of his gun with a smile. "You can't stab me, I am made of knives." And suddenly he was covered in blades. Like...like just a bunch of swords just jutted out of him, forming a human tall pile of sharpness. "...I WAS FUCKING JOKING ABOUT THE EDGY THING HOLY SHIT." Sun gaped, dumbfounded. "This is stupid. You're stupid. I hate you." He said, stepping back. Where the swords gonna shoot out? Was he gonna spin around like a tornado of blades? Form into one giant sword? Or....crumble and break, like they just did. "Well. That's disappointing." Sun muttered.But when the swords crumble fully away, revealing Gren, he was now wearing white armor, covering his torso, arms, and lower legs. Smooth as silk, and white as bone. No extra detailing at all, yet it still looked....sharp. And felt it, as Sun found out when a punch to his face landed, feeling as there hundreds of tiny knifes were slashing at the location of the punch. The force of the punch threw him back, slamming him into the wall of ice. He let out a gasp of pain as the air was knock out of him, blood dripping down his cheek. Before he could catach up to what happened, Gren was back on him, letting out a flurry of punches. "MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA MUDA." Each punch cracked the wall of ice, and probably a few of Sun's ribs. And the sensation of being stabbed each time wasn't helping Sun not scream out in pain. But, luckily, the punching stopped. Because the wall of ice had broke, and Sun was thrown into a tree, causing it to splinter and begin to break. Somehow, he was able to hold onto his swords throughout all of this, as he struggled up, his knees shaking and his torso no bloodied and bruised, and he was pretty sure his vision was fading. "...Fuck you." Was all he was able to muster , as Gren walked towards him, his armor shifting so two blades came out of his armor, right above his wrists. Sun threw out a blast of ice, which hit Gren's armor and harmlessly slid off. "Great..." he muttered, Gren break into a run and slashing at him. Sun rolled out of the way, narrowly missing the slash. [i]"That better that be my hair."[/i] He thought, noticing some orange falling to the ground. His thoughts were distracted, however, when the ground shook, the tree he was thrown into falling to the ground. He jumped out of the way as Gren lunged at him again, another tree falling down. Sun lifted up his sword, returning the attack, the two slashing wildly at each other, the air itself distorting at the speed and force of their slashes, trees coming down all around them. Suddenly, they were at a standstill, their swords locked against each other, sparks flying off of them. They both knew what to do, but Gren was a bit fast, kicking Sun in the stomach. He doubled over, Gren grabbing the side of his head, slamming his own head into it. And with that, he spun around, throwing Sun back into the battlefield. He landed by Tiberius' and Magnus' battle, a wreck. His torso and head were bloodied , his breathing labored, and his skin pale. But, he was alive, as he sat up. "...That's...THAT'S ALL YOU GOT?" HE asked Gren, laughing. He stood up, his arms hanging, as Gren calmly strolled towards him. His face was calm, and emotionless, his eyes trained on Sun. "This....This isn't the first time you've try to kill somebody, I presume?" Sun asked, not helping to chuckle.