Well, that's good to hear, I suppose. Its getting a little stuffy in this place. What happened to the two page advancements whenever any of us left or went to bed? Everyone seems a bit too silent for my liking. As for my own post, if Lowkey doesn't get his up by Thursday, I'm going to go ahead and post. Listen, man. You've had more than a week to get something up. Is it really that hard? I'm at my grandmother's for a vacation and I still have the decency to at least attempt to get something up. But every time I ask you to post, you're like 'NOOOOOOOOOOOOPLS' and its getting a bit annoying. I'm sure you've got your own things to handle, but all it takes is at least three paragraphs. I can write up three paragraphs in thirty minutes. I think when it comes to posting, its more or less mind over matter. Unless you actually sit yourself down, put on some music or what not, and block out everything else for a while, its not going to be done.