Ryozan calculated Karela's speed as she ran towards him, and then he released the tension on his blade, letting the sword fly out of its sheath with blinding speed. "Wrong!" he shouted as he aimed his quickdraw slash in a wide arc, covering the entire area in front of him, but pulling back the range so that the blade would not bite into Karela's flesh during her frontal assault. The blade flashed in front of him just long enough to thwart the advance, and then he quickly snapped it back to its original position inside the sheath, ready to unleash another quickdraw slash. "As you see, I currently control the space in front of me. The range of my control is equal to the range of my sword plus my reach. You thought that the side I am leaning forward with was open, so you advanced on it, but I can afford to show you an opening because it is within the space I control. In short, the opening you chose to advance on put you first in the range of my sword attack. A head-on advance is not the correct way to defeat this stance, however you seem to have the tools to beat it. Here is your hint: what is the range of your Kunai compared to the range of my sword?"