[b]House Name[/b]: House Dieuwert [b]Location[/b]: Southern portion of the continent, taking up a large portion of the massive nearby sea's coast. [b]Region name[/b]: Lower and Upper Wenonia [b]Population[/b]: 150M [b]Motto[/b]: Strong Are Our Roots [b]Colors[/b]: Yellow and Violet [b]History[/b]: The history of House Dieuwert stretches to long before the unification of Gylif under the Lyseli family. Several thousand years before that centuries-long war the progenitors of House Dieuwert were part of another, larger House which controlled all of Lower Wenonia, a massive wetlands region that had long been considered a backwater of the planet. This larger House split after a failed coup attempt, and the House's Lord discovered that his five sons were each planning his and their siblings demise. Their House split, each son taking power in different regions of Lower Wenonia, resulting in a decade-long civil war which ended in the newly named House Dieuwert's victory. Colognia Dieuwert, the newly landed lord, either killed off or vassalized his siblings, and reigned over the entirety of the region. Afterwards, he commissioned the great Wenonian Canals project, a massive system of canals, dams, and dykes which would redirect Lower Wenonia's rivers and swamps into arable farmlands. I took nearly a century to finish the first stages, but by 4000BBY Lower Wenonia became an agricultural hub of Gylif. House Dieuwert and its vassals continued to reign over the land until the Lyseli family began shaking things up. Early on, House Dieuwert cut a deal with the Lyseli family in exchange for a cut of land in Upper Wenonia, a rocky, mineral-rich region and one where the Gylifan alloy could be found easily in relatively large quantities. House Dieuwert has since remained loyal to the Lyseli, maintaining their favor as one of Gylif's largest food and mineral producers. Their colors, violet and yellow, represent the Dieuwesh Flower, which are a delicacy of the region. It's known for its powerful roots, which can live even after the stem and leaves die, only to blossom again once conditions are ripe. I'll add 2-3 people tomorrow morning, probably. Still working on them. [hider= Prince Basjun Dieuwert] [b]Name[/b]: Bas'jun Dieuwert [b]Description[/b]: [img=http://www.germany.info/contentblob/3325200/Galeriebild_gross/1713822/Westerwelle_AA_11_2011_phothek_pic.jpg] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 64 [b]Title(s)[/b]: Prince of Wenonia, Lord of The Green Coast [b]Relation within the House[/b]: Head of House Dieuwert [b]Personality and skills[/b]: Bas'jun is a realist first and foremost, a trait ground into him after escaping from his family's manor home to explore the planet. He is also very independent and persistent, encouraging others to be the same. The Prince can also be distrusting of those who are not part of his inner circle, and skeptical even with them. He knows and acknowledges that the criminal underbelly of the world can never be tamed, and tries to work around them as opposed to completely eliminating them. His keen observational skills help him read people, and he's rather handy with a blaster pistol. [b]History[/b]: As a young man, Bas'jun escaped from his family's marble manor home on the Green Coast, hoping to see the larger world. He wandered Gylif for several years, living on the streets and in shoddy motels for most of them, eventually becoming a respected business man in one of their capital's lower quarters. He returned when he learned of his father's deteriorating health, and accepted the title of Prince at his behest. Since then, Bas'jun has been working to improve the general wealth and economy of his Princedom. Wenonia has sold millions of acres of state-held property to the poor and impoverished, turning it into small farms and turning honest people away from the life he knew in the lower quarters. Although many in his cabinet opposed this move, the Prince nonetheless gave these title-less people the freedom to become self-sustaining, and often a little more. This part of the country, called Freesia, is full of small farms and towns, and is a favorite vacation spot for Bas'jun. In his middle age, Bas'jun has began thinking about a possible heir, so that he may retire early. He has narrowed his options down to two: His younger brother, Dezmark, and his eldest daughter, Neferati. Both are intelligent and younger than him, but while Dezmark seems eager to rule, Neferati enjoys her freedom and youth. In the meantime, Bas'jun is a well-known and loved by his people, and has a few good years left in his reign. [/hider] [hider=Dezmark Dieuwert] [b]Name[/b]: Dezmark Dieuwert [b]Description[/b]: [img=http://pabblogger.files.wordpress.com/2011/05/michael-fassbender-4.jpg] [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Age[/b]: 46 [b]Title(s)[/b]: Duke of Marju [b]Relation within the House[/b]: Brother to the Prince [b]Personality and skills[/b]: Dezmark Dieuwert is confident and ambitious, hoping to replace his brother on the throne as Prince. The Duke is known to be very resourceful, capable of accomplishing tasks beyond his position should allow. His position as his brother's right hand is undisputed, and all assume he is a shoe in for Prince, as Bas'jun looks for an early retirement. He looks up to his brother, and hopes to be as well loved as him. However, he does have a cold side, capable of ordering executions without hesitance, and his jealousy can get the better of him at times. [b]History[/b]: Dezmark was born shortly before his brother Bas'jun left for the city, and never actually got to know him until he was in his early teens, after he accepted the position of Prince. He and his brother were distant at first, with Dezmark being granted the title of Duke more to appease him than out of any affection. The Duke ran his city well, and when called to court by his brother, would act polite and calm. After a crisis in Marju demanded the Prince's attention, Bas'jun spent some time there with his brother, and it was during this time that they become close. The Prince invited Dezmark to spend more time in the capital, which the Duke accepted. For nearly twenty years, Duke Dezmark has spent the majority of his time by his brother's side, making contacts with the various aristocrats and minor vassals. Politically, he has made numerous moves, earning the trust-- or taking it through blackmail, of numerous notable people in the Princedom. [/hider] [hider=Neferati Dieuwert] [b]Name[/b]: Neferati Dieuwert [b]Description[/b]: [img=http://content9.flixster.com/question/37/53/33/3753339_std.jpg] [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Age[/b]: 32 [b]Title(s)[/b]: Countess of Hensdale [b]Relation within the House[/b]: Daughter of Bas'jun, Niece to Dezmark [b]Personality and skills[/b]: Neferati is a persistent girl, for better or worse. Her stubbornness is well known throughout her family, and she isn't willing to back down when she chooses to go down a certain path. The being said, she isn't the type to walk down a path at any time, and prefers to spend her time in the family manor, reading and enjoying the year-round temperate weather. Above all she desires comfort, and resents her father for often pushing her to explore the world outside her resort city and others like it. She relies heavily on her adviser and vassal, Baron Ghedi Valshaa, a minor noble in a minor family. Her adviser is known for his cunning and inventiveness, and his loyalty to Neferati is utter. [b]History[/b]: Neferati was born several years after her father obtained his title, and lived most of her young life around her nannies and distant family members, who taught her the skills royalty are expected to possess. When she reached her early teens her father decided to begin taking her around important meetings and balls, to mingle and begin socializing, something she enjoyed. However, when her father began pushing her to take more responsibility and finish her grooming to become Princess, she handled the position poorly and failed her duties. The Countess was disappointed in herself, but this was quickly replaced with anger as her father cut off many of her privileges, and asked her to live a more modest life for a time, so she might better understand fiscal responsibility. However, rather than abide her father's wishes, she stayed with House Valshaa, a small family of land holders in the southern part of the country. After nearly a year away, her father gave in, and allowed her a title as Countess of a distant resort city and asked that one of the Valshaa, whom the Countess trusted greatly, to assist in her affairs. Since then Neferati and her father have been distant, although they are at least cordial with each other. [/hider]