When the man had suddenly appeared in the cells Christian hadn't been aware of what had happened immediately. Carter stopped talking suddenly and he realized from the conversation that this intruder was someone that wasn't supposed to be inside this base. He must be one of these Reformers that Carter had talked about. Minutes later Christian felt someone grab the back of his shirt and his surroundings suddenly changed. Not that he saw any of this or really even "felt" it. No Christian knew that he was in a different place because between one second and the next he could feel sun on his face and wind rustling through his cloths. He could feel the platform he was on moving slightly this way and that as well as hear the sound of wheels on a road. He was in a car, or van more likely judging by the number of people he could hear talking. There was a number of conversations that Christian didn't really tune into. There was sand on the floor of this van and Christian used his hands to feel his way to the corner bumping into several people as he moved. The best thing he could do was keep quiet and listen as these Reformers talked. Given that they hadn't used armed forces, guns or tranquilizers like the last abductors Christian was more inclined to listen. Christian slumped into the corner and waited, listening. After a time her heard one of the voices which he'd identified as the Reformers swear and start to talk about the chopper that was following them as well as a number of SUVs. Christian couldn't feel too happy about this. These men, the Reformers hadn't done anything too them. In fact they had been relatively pleasant driving company while the group that was chasing them apart from now aiming shots at the van had pumped them full of drugs and buried them in a prison cell. The one that someone had been calling "stretch" gave them some very rushed and slightly panicked advice. Get to the thicket. Christian swallowed suddenly not sure that he actually could. Despite all the turmoil around him Christian's second sight hadn't kicked in. He couldn't know what was around him, in a rushed situation on unfamiliar grounds he didn't know where to go. The van was being buffeted. This way and that it swerved until finally a particularly bad turn sent it careening to one side and fell to the ground. It rolled several times. Over and over. Christian cracked his head on something. His breath was coming in short gasps now. He didn't like unstable cars or crashes. Calm, collected, safe... He hit his shoulder at a bad angle and he felt an explosion of pain as he heard a pop of the socket coming loose. His left arm hung limply and he scrambled one armed in the direction he thought was outside. The direction that the sand had exploded in. Something skimmed his good arm and it exploded in pain and with it the world became clear all around him. He didn't have time to focus on details. The thicket that he'd been told to run for was right. He ran after the rest of the group. His cloths getting caught on brambles and thorns and his leather jacket tearing more than it already was. He could feel the bullets as they go farther away. Apparently no one was interested in them. It was the Reformers that they wanted first. This little rag tag group was an afterthought. Finally they got to a clearing. Christian felt the sun on his face and all at once his vision faded away leaving behind a dull pounding headache which seemed inconsequential in comparison to the injured sounds of everyone else. He gathered that one man was shot in the foot and the paranoid girl sounded like she had a head injury but otherwise he thought they'd come out of it unscathed. The crying girl was of course throwing up. She sounded in an awful state but alive. If they survived this perhaps one of the Reformers could teach him to keep his "sight" on all the time, though he reflected with how his head felt now perhaps that was not such a good idea. "Where do we go now?" he groaned out at everyone else. Without realizing it he had made up his mind to fight with the Reformers given the choice but there was every likely hood that they were about to be captured. --- [center][img=http://i805.photobucket.com/albums/yy334/defangbasilica/Unlikely%20Heroes/ChristianBannerUH.png][/center]