UPDATE: I'm a bit further along, If you look in my ORGANISATION section you should be able to see what I've given myself for my Space Navy, I tried to pick a reasonable force but it is hard without anything to compare to :) If you think I have gone overboard or not gone far enough just tell me! I'm trying to be militarily strong but at the same time bound and below the Lyseni. Somewhat similar to Germany or Japan after WWI but without the breaking the rules, well maybe I might break the rules hehe we shall see :P House Name: House Callidum Location: Island in the South West of the map. [img=http://i.imgur.com/654Qcvz.png] Region name: Maridia Population: 200 Million beings Motto: Arcana imperii (the secrets of power) Colors: Black and White. History: The Callidum family claim to be descended from the head of engineering on the old Starward destiny, however it is an open secret that there is absolutely no proof or even indication of any links to be found between the family and said engineer and many speculate that the claim is merely imitation of the Lyseli's claim. The house colours are black and white, these represent life and death, a reminder that what good we have made of life has been built on the death of our people. House Callidum rose to prominence and eventual rule during the civil war of 4326. Grand Admiral Henry Callidum seized the Capital with his marine forces and with his naval forces gained control of the food supply routes, resistance soon crumbled in the face of mass starvation. Maridia being an island has always had a strong naval presence, with the rise of House Callidum the navy and air-force expanded further. In 4380 House Callidum invaded the eastern continent conquering a large swathe of land along the Eastern coast (as seen on the map), this gave House Callidum a stable supply of food to feed the large population of the island. In the year 3000 huge expansions in the navy and airforce began in response to increasingly hostile moves by the Lyseli, an arms race of sorts soon began. Harsh diplomacy eventually spilled over into war and despite initial success House Callidum's naval surface fleet took heavy losses. In the continental territories claimed by House Callidum, House Callidum's small yet well trained army fought valiantly but were hopelessly outnumbered, The airforce took many losses in operations to evacuate as many men as possible from the eastern continent. Perhaps the Lyseli would have decided to invade the weakened Maridia, however House Callidum's submarine fleet was still almost intact and invasion would almost certainly bring nuclear fire to the Lyseli. Instead the Lyseli waited, without the eastern continental farms Maridia starved, within six months House Callidum sued for peace. In the next 1000years Maridian soldiers, aircraft and ships fought the Lyseli's enemies across the globe. IMPORTANT PEOPLE: Name: Henry Callidum VII [hider=High Lord]Description: [img=http://i.imgur.com/NiezmJ4.jpg] Gender: male Age: 38 Title(s): Head of House Callidum, Arch of the Nine tides, Blessed of the people. Relation within the House: High Lord of House Callidum. Personality and skills: Henry is a military man, as all who rule House Callidum have been. He displays all the idealistic images of the military man, concerning himself with honor and justice, being blunt and too the point. However to take him at his image would be a huge mistake. House Callidum have their fingers in everything, their nation is dependent on imports to survive, as you can guess this put undue pressure on House Callidum to ensure these imports do not cease. Henry is cunning and devious and he has to be as leader of the Nine tides, an organisation loyal to House Callidum with the primary goal of infiltrating the other houses. Henry loves his children however he often does not have the time for them, a recurring problem since they were young, he particularly despairs of Kylara who seems to bring scandal after scandal down upon the house. Despite the duplicity of his public image verses his actual self Henry really does value the blunt approach, if he see's that he has the advantage he is bold enough to make the move. He will operate in the shadows or in the open, whatever he see's best. History: As his parents only child Henry has been taught to rule from a young age, Always placed in charge of group work and his peers when he was young this lead to a growing arrogance in him. However at the age of 16 he was sent to join the infantry as a grunt as all rulers of House Callidum have been, it gives the military a connection the the house and a sort of shared interest, and helps beat any of the nonsense of childhood out of the young heirs. Needless to say after a stint in the infantry did him good, his arrogance was replaced by a calm confidence in himself and those under his command. He was now apprenticed in the Nine tides where he learned of the world of espionage, needless to say he found it fascinating and showed a flair for undercover work, although he was never sent on any particularly dangerous missions and none off island. At the age of 22 His father tragically died in an 'air car accident', that duplicity was involved has been confirmed though the Nine tide still search for the origin of the attack. His mother, distraught was simply not fit for rule, she stepped down and Henry was raised to the position. For the early years of his reign Henry began and continued training for strategical command of military forces relying on advisers to take up the slack in paperwork that he missed in doing so. By 27 he had done all the learning that needed to be done and only practice would improve him, he took full reign of the house and has been ruling fully ever since. He see's space as an opportunity, there is of course the dream of a Callidum Carrier in orbit demanding the surrender of all other houses but even apart from that the resources and possibilities of expansion are numerous. He has invested in a large space fighter program in the hopes that one day House Callidum might be rich enough to build the full alloy carriers to carry them. [/hider] Name: Kylara Callidum [hider= Heir]Description: [img=http://static.tumblr.com/ox5qzbu/Wkxm3jpnk/tumblr_lygvbxhqdv1qaq7zwo2_1280.jpg] Gender: Female Age: 19 Title(s): Heir to House Callidum. Relation within the House: Daughter to Henry. Heir to the House. Personality and skills: She has always been possessed of a free will and this was displayed even more so when she broke custom and applied to be a fighter jockey at the age of 14. Although the discussion was a hard one and much discussion was had, it was allowed. Perhaps unfortunately the casual arrogance and disdain for authority that all good pilots show has infected her too. She apprenticed in the Nine tides for 2 years but has since left them, whilst she has a flair for negotiation she doesn't show much passion for it. She spends far too much time with roughs in the capital, seen in bars and clubs all over and involved in brawls and.. incidents she has developed a reputation planet wide. Though perhaps this has garnered negative feelings in some nations in Maridia it seems the people actually like her, seeing her bar crawling ways as her being closer to the people and not some stiff aristocrat. She is most definitely a divisive figure. She enjoys being in your face and some might call rude but despite her unsubtle ways a sharp mind hides behind the partying and you would be much amiss to dismiss her. History: Mostly listed in the Personality section. [/hider] Name: Samantha 'Sam' Callidum. [hider= Sister of Kylara]Description: [img=http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/8d/b6/09/8db60956aaff9185d0dde1566512b586.jpg] Gender: Female Age: 18 Title(s): of House Callidum. Relation within the House: Daughter to Henry, Sister to Kylara. Personality and skills: Similar to Kylara but in a more... refined way, she tends to spend her time with more civilized society and scandals have a way of sliding off her, perhaps because all the attention invariantly slips onto her sister. She has a quiet confidence to her and enjoys partying but as I said, she is much more discreet than her sister. Much of her life she has lived in the shadow of her sister, always compared to her sister, sometimes in a positive light, sometimes not, never the less she and Kylara get along famously and have been known to spend a lot of time together. When Kylara joined the star fighter force to appease the army Sam was promised to them, she did her training as a grunt however she wanted to be in space. She transferred to officer training for the space navy and hopes to eventually be promoted to Captain a ship. She has had lesson from the Nine tides but has not been formally apprenticed to them. As with most of the Callidum's if you look past the exterior of calm and diplomatic you may see a wildness bordering on Kylara's level. History: In the Personality bit. [/hider] Name: Mathew Al'bree [hider=Force Sensitive]Description: [img=http://img4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20100328021442/avp/images/f/f7/Hicks.jpg] Gender: Male Age: 26 Title(s): None. Relation within the House: Head of Security for House Callidum. Personality and skills: Mathew is passionate about his job, competent and very loyal to the Callidum family. He is a force sensitive (A very well kept secret) and the source of all the rumours about the TNT, though he has not had any formal training his reflexes border on precognition. He is a great leader inspiring his troops to the same devotion he shows. History: He started life in a state orphanage but when he was 7 he threw a temper tantrum in which tables flew across the cafeteria breaking up against the walls, luckily no one was injured. The TNT found him before the church and hid him deep, thus followed a cold war of sorts between the church and the TNT (and thus House Callidum). Though suspicious the church was never able to find any concrete proof that TNT had taken a force sensitive and so could not act openly. Though relations have thawed between the church and house Callidum there is still a strong thread of suspicion pointed at the House. Mathew was trained at Special Forces covert bases and also once the girls were born, spent a lot of time watching over them, eventually being chosen as their bodyguard and then later promoted to head of security for the family. The girls have known him all their lives and get on extremely well with him. [/hider] ORGANISATIONS: [hider=MSN] The Maridian Space Navy's official head is Henry Callidum VII himself, however the running and decision making of the navy are made by a Grand Admiral. MSN strategic protocol calls for heavy fighter/bomber harassment before quick skirmishing engagement from range by fast ships. This protocol is impart enforced due to limitations on the number and tonnage of battleships allowed to be built as stated in the Treaty of Mara (The surrender of House Callidum to House Lyseni). Roster: -Alloy Plated Ships: MS Valiant - Battleship Class - Flagship of the fleet. 5 Fast-Frigate ships. -Non-Alloy Plated Ships: MS Majestic - Dedicated Carrier - 60 Star Fighters/Bombers. MS Triumph - Dedicated Carrier - 60 Star Fighters/Bombers. MS Illustrious - Dedicated Carrier - 60 Star Fighters/Bombers. 6 Light Carrier ships - 20 Star Fighters each. 5 Pocket-Battleships -Ships designed to take and give a lot of punishment, but avoiding the limited classification of battleship. 7 Frigates. 15 Destroyers. 50 Corvette's (Small ships used for patrol and scouting). [/hider] [hider= MRN] The Maridian Royal Navy has changed much in the years since it's founding. It's name dates back to a time well in the past when Maridia was ruled by a royal family, the navy, conservative to it's core, would balk at any suggestion of a name change. The dominating strategic relevance of the navy has somewhat diminished with the expansion of the Space Navy and there is definite resentment between the two organisations. Wet navy carriers have become almost redundant in the face of space carriers and such the wet navy is now geared towards supporting land operations logistically and providing anti-aircraft and anti-missile defenses. Combat Roster: 20 Destroyers 500 Coastal Patrol boats - these vary in size hugely, the largest being just short of a destroyer and the smallest being little more than a dingy with a outboard motor strapped on the back. These are more police and SAR than combat vessels. [Classified] Nuclear Submarines. [Classified] Hunter submarines. [/hider] [hider=MA] The Maridian Army is small and well trained, capable of deploying it's entire active roster anywhere on the planet (with naval assistance) within a weeks notice. Active Roster: 100,000 'men' Reserve Roster: 500,000 'men' Special forces and Marines also fall under Army command, a point of which there has been much inter organisational bickering. (Marines primarily serve on wet or space navy ships but have been known to be deployed alongside ground troops.) SF troops: [Classified] Marines: 14,000 'men' [/hider] [hider=MAF] The Maridian Air Force is not what it once was, with the advent of the star fighter/bomber atmo planes have become simply redundant. The MAF therefore has been re-purposed as Star-fighter/bomber command. They run the onplanet and offplanet bases and handle maintenance for the carriers crafts. Combat Roster: 200 Star fighters/bombers. (In bases on and off planet). [/hider] [hider=The Nine Tides] TNT is the only intelligence agency of Maridia, they handle domestic, overseas and now interstellar intelligence operations. It is their policy to have a finger in every pie, to have operatives all over the world and be in position to act should the need arise. It is rumored that TNT have a small cadre of force sensitives that they have hidden from the church, people heard repeating this rumour have been known to disappear. Specifically targeted for infiltration of a higher degree than the other houses are the: Lyseli - For obvious reasons. Dieuwert - Known as an agricultural hub the lands of Dieuwert have a lot to offer Maridia, and the high amount of alloy they posses doesn't hurt. House Callidum definitely has ambitions concerning House Dieuwert, what they might be is anyone's guess. [/hider] [hider=HCI] House Callidum industries is a semi-militaristic company that runs House Callidums asteroid mining and space shipyard. Though it is possible to build ships on planet, House Callidum finds it easier to build them near the resources, in the asteroid belt. [/hider] TREATIES: [hider=The Treaty of Mara]The Treaty of Mara: Surrender of House Callidum to House Lyseli, of relevance are limits to certain military units and a pledge of obedience to the Lyseli. Signed in the capital Mara as a symbol of defeat. [/hider]