"Thanks for the help.." Sun said, walking up next to Magnus, smiling. "But I got this." He said, his eyes beginning to glow a bright orange. He stepped forward, beginning to shake, balling up his hands into fists and raising them up. "Argh...Gaaa....GAAAA!" He begun to scream, black tendrils beginning to wrap around him. They soon completely took over his body, forming a the appearance of a skinless humanoid, with black muscles, his eyes now nothing more than glowing orange orbs. Both transformations would already cause Gren hesitation, but he noticed Sun's didn't seem quite done. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ps900gFpy6M] He begun to scream again, a white light appearing on his chest.[/url] The light spread over his body, burning the black "muscles" away, as the screams of pain transformed into righteous yells of excitement. Soon all of it was burned away, leaving a body of white, flame-like light, with two small flames of orange, his eyes once again taking a new shape. It lifted it's arms up to the side, opening it's palms, as bits and pieces of grey metal formed in the air around it's forearms and lower legs, slamming down onto the body, fitting and locking together, forming white armor. It happened once more for it's upper arms and legs, then once more for it's pelvis and torso. Finally, the head of the flames gave away, going out, revealing Sun's head one more. He was giving Gren a look that could ONLY be taken as "my transformation is SO much cooler than yours", as metal formed around his head, slamming down to form a helmet styled after a barbute, but with only an open for the eye, a v shaped visor. And his eyes took yet another form, filling the visor with glowing, orange light. Lifting his legs a bit, the armored sun floated into the air, crossing his arms. And from the bottom of the armor, form the feet, a light went up, turning the armor into a brilliant white with golden trimming. It was a complex armor, each segment being made of many smaller segments, a puzzle of an armor, with the trim being of an intricate design, forming words in an ancient, long forgotten tongue. For the final bit of the transformation, a giant halo appeared behind his back, one half silver, the other gold, two parts locked together. "....Are you DONE yet?" Gren asked, yawning. "H-Hey! [i]SO[/i] sorry it takes so long! Better than your stupid looking "turn into a bunch of friggen swords" one!" Sun barked back, crossing his arms and huffing. "Oh, that? I did that to make you mad." "IT WORKED YOU JACKASS." Gren sighed, rolling his eyes...and drawing his normal sword, pointing it at the two, stabbing it into the ground. "I'm done." "...What." "I'm done. I know I can't beat the both of you." "...I GO THROUGH THE TABLE OF TRANSFORMING AND YOU JUST STOP THE FIGHT. That's. I. I DO NOT [i]LIKE[/i] YOU."