"Well, Hoverbot, it looks like we're getting another shipment of platinum today. Even though I told Control five times that its next to useless here and that they should send something more appropriate to this dimension/galaxy/whatever. Like Gold, or silver, or gems. Hell, art sells better than Platinum here." Raymond Skalter paced around the TechroCorp Trading Post, which was little more than a small Warehouse with a corner partitioned off for Raymond's personal space. The robot followed his movements with its primary sensors as soon as it detected its designation spoken. Raymond's exoskeleton's pneumatic servos whined softly with each step he took. He sighed, cradling his forehead in his palm, the sound came out as static. "I'm talking to my robot again. I must be bored. No, not bored, lonely." He sighed again. "Hoverbot." The floating robot perked up again, awaiting orders from it's master. "Process the new shipment of platinum when it arrives, and watch over the shop; if anyone drops by, give the usual pre-recorded away message. I'm going for a walk." The robot gave a confirmatory beep and drifted over towards the Matter Transference Device. Raymond walked out into the streets, grumbling and thinking to himself about the few things he could do with platinum here.