Theon surveys over the new room, eyes scanning over the walls and the interrupted ascent. Her angular face appears crestfallen as she sighs, her raven black hair beginning to drift before her face and reveal her twin pointed ears as they poke through. She turns to the one who had spoken up, "My name is Theon, and you are starting to sound like one of those damnable lights. No, I do now know how long it has been. Aside from apparently alive and an elf, I've no idea what to call myself either, but obviously we're all part of some ridiculous joke from whatever powers that be." She raises her torch high above her head, stepping out onto the ring that could lead them to the different hallways. "I know for sure already we've all been there. We've all been a part of it, whatever it may be. I saw it in each of your faces as you took note your stuff is gone too. Those lights were obviously a bunch of trixster wisps out to toy with our heads. Why they saw to spirit us away here, where we were apparently in those enchanted pods, be they magic or not, I don't know why. I don't know a lot of things. And I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm done playing their games and I'm going to find a way out." Theon moves onward, taking the lead. She considers her possible ways to reach the light at the end of the tunnel, her way out. She huffs as she takes hold of the vines and tests them with her hands. They were strong enough and would hold her at least, she was unsure about the bigger people of the party. If they couldn't follow, who was she to care, though. Steeling herself, she begins to use the vines to hold herself as she makes her way to the top of the rubble pile. Through the gaps here, though they were too small for her yet, she could see the light peering through. She bites her lip before grabbing hold of a sizable chunk before her. Carefully, she maneuvers it out of the way and begins to clear a way for herself to gain access towards the shining light. It was presumably her exit way. Licking her lips, she clears a space large enough for her to slip through before she grasps another vine and tears it free from the wall, allowing herself to wriggle down along its length into the new lit area.