Savant Igam Bregger moved hastily through the streets of the lower hive, followed by a pair of inquisitorial storm troopers. Originally there had been six, but two were lost when the squad's inquisitorial chimera was slagged by a lucky krak missile, one went down in a flurry of las-bolts from a squad of traitor guard, and the last was torn to shreds by a rabid mob of cultists. Now only three were left. "Don't fall behind," Igam warned the storm troopers, "Must meet up with the Inquisitor quickly," The storm troopers did not respond, but simply nodded assent. Igam strained his ears for any sounds of nearby movement over the tumult of a city wide battle. All that heard was the distant crack and boom of combat, and the occasional screams of the dying in between. Igam's concentration was broken when he heard a scuffling sound in an alley to his left. His eyes darted to search for the source of the sound, and he caught a glimpse of metal behind a rubbish bin. Igam pointed down the alleyway, and called out, "Reveal yourself!" Immediately, the empty streets were filled with howling, as red-clad cultists started pouring from the alleyway, clutching whatever implement they could use as weaponry. Igam drew his las-pistol and began firing into the crowd, and the two storm-troopers follow suit with their hot-shot lasguns. While it was not enough to stop the charge, it gave the three enough time to escape down an alleyway opposite the one occupied by cultists. Slowed by the narrowness of the alleyway, the cultists had a hard time making progress under the volley of las-bolts Igam and the two storm-troopers lay down as they retreated further back into the alley. The tide of cultists, though well suppressed, seemed endless, and forced Igam and his companions further and further back. Just as it seemed they would be overrun, the tide of cultists stopped abruptly, the entire sect either dying or dead in the street. Igam breathed a heavy sigh of relief before speaking to his compatriots, "Well done, I--" Igam was interrupted by the roar of a stormraven passed overhead. The Roar was met by that of a helldrake, which made straight for the aircraft, only to be torn to shreds by a Hydra battery. The helldrake had the final laugh, however, as one of its talons flew from its body, and tore a hole in the gunship. Igam could scarcely believe his eyes when Inquisitor Yoheved hurtled out of the stormraven, followed closely by her pet bull. Igam watched them descend until his view was blocked by the buildings in front of him. Igam rolled his eyes, before gesturing toward the storm-troopers to follow him back into the alley they had just exited. "Follow," he ordered, "Let us retrieve the inquisitor,"