Name: Agent Hawk Rawlins (Real Name Unknown) Age: 34 [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Gender: Male Race: Hybrid DNA type: Avian Element: Air Weakness: Lack of emotional surveying, he can only process intellectual and strategical stadpoints, and would not be able to predict a move such as self sacrifice or putting oneself in harms way at all for another. He has no emotional capacity at all. This is his fatal flaw. He also has a weakness for overloading of his brains capacity. A screen filled with random flashing and moving numbers and symbols and videos and pictures, etc. would overload his brain and he would lose coherency. This is because there is so many things to analyze at once, and they are all flashing and moving, that his brain would become caught up in it and be unable to function. This applies for a situation in which many people are moving in unpredictable patterns as well, and etc. He will also do anything to destroy hybrids due to his brainwashing, so if he deduces that he must be severely injured in order to injure another hybrid he would not hesitate to take action. this could result in blood loss, limb loss, or death. He is weak against earth elemental attacks also, due to him being an air elemental type. Hard melee attacks can knock a lot out of him, if you can hit him. Weapon: He has an arsenal including four grapples (two per hand), throwing knives, 20 inch long steel retractable claws on his gloves, and a blade. He also carries one pistol that he can easily fire but chooses not to use that as he finds it harder to hit more than one enemy at once with a gun, and his specialty is hitting as fast and as many as possible. His computer-like mind can process up to 3x the amount of simultaneous tasks as normal humans, so he could be targeting multiple people at once while equally focusing on both of them even if they are doing completely different things. His mind controls the grapples so they go where he wants and latch on to who he wants when he wants. Bio/personality: He is stoic and emotionless, and his brain works like a computer. his only goal is to exterminate other hybrids, this is because he was brainwashed and turned into the only successful hybrid supersoldier. He will stop at nothing to destroy all hybrids. He was a regular human until the tests. He was 7 when he was abducted, and he was experimented on ruthlessly. He was born with his high mental capacity already, and instead of holding a grudge began considering it a gift. He became a prime subject in testing and he was raised by them, trained by them, and basically brainwashed by them to be a weapon against other hybrids. He doesnt use his powers much in a magical way, when he does he only uses them to increase his jumping range, weapon range, and to increase his general speed. This can get intense when he reaches the faster speeds, and an earth attack at this point could launch him into the air, leaving him vulnerable to other attacks. Theme: Massacre by Ghost Town