Rayvius joined his fellow Astartes in the dining room. He found the decorations somewhat off-putting. Celebrating tales of heroics were all well and good, but reeked of traditionalism; Rayvius preferred practicality over aesthetics and dogmatism. The stone table was a refreshing breath of simplicity. Brother Carus introduced himself rather briefly, followed by Brother-Sergeant Arkhas. He was clearly a brute, even amongst astartes, but Ray had learned that underestimating even the most brutish of space marines is often a fatal mistake. They tended to be more determined than other astartes, and could be counted on not to doubt themselves or their abilities. Case and point: this one was speaking in High Gothic. Rayvius stood to introduce himself after Arkhas finished. "I am Rayvius 'Moyses' Skalterion of the Dark Angels. I have spent ninety years with the Deathwatch, mostly as a kill-marine. I am prepared to serve as a scout or a tactical marine, as our commander wishes." He inclined is head slightly in Arkhas' direction. He folded his hands into an Aquila and ended with a simple, "The Emperor Protects," before sitting, and mulling over what services he required of Syrus.