Destiny woke up from a nightmare about her brothers. This startled her out of her restless sleep and into a mode of panic. Grabbing her small pocket knife from her bed side stand she rolled out of her bed and landed on her back. Staying there for a moment she listened and waited. Just like every other morning where she'd wake up from a nightmare she'd check. Check the halls, the outside, the roof, anywhere a threat could be. Creeping up silently she made her way across the old empty room to the balcony door. With one hand she pried open the shutter, the other held her knife at the ready. Down below she could make out a figure of a person walking. From this distance she couldn't tell if it was infected or not but she wasn't going to take chances. Quietly she grabbed her Alice pack and flung it over her small shoulders and crawled onto the stove that blocked her hallway. Casting one more glance into the room she sighed. She'd come back, in a few days, if the infected didn't find their way in first. Where to stay for a few nights was now her next problem. Scooting across the top of a dis-used dryer a loud metallic thud echoed through the room, and probably down the street. Panicked she looked behind her to find her flashlight and slid from her bag and onto the hard metal surface. With her free hand she grabbed it and shoved it violently into the pack and quickly forced her way through the rest of the junk and into the hallway. (She saw Harlan. Just to clarify.)