Destiny steadied her breathing she ran down the stairs at full speed, which was slowed due to her heavy pack. After the noise she just wanted to clear the building as fast as she could. Ten flights of stairs later she doubled over her breath coming to her in short shallow spurts. A sharp pain formed in her left side but she ignored it as best as she could. Slowly stepping forward into the entry way she looked all around her as she quietly crossed to the door and peeked out the window. The figure was gone and she wasn't sure if she was happy or frightened of that. Opening the door she crept onto the sidewalk quietly her heat beating out of her chest. She stood for a minute. Listening. Waiting. When everything seem clear she darted out from the shadows and ran towards a nearby car that rested in front of an old corner store. Ducking behind it she took deep breaths trying to steady her breathing.