Name: Hanna Riverfield Age: 16 [hider=Appearance] [img=] [/hider] Gender:Female Race: Human DNA type: N/A Element: N/A Weakness: N/A Weapon: A machete that she found in an old junkyard, or any kind of blade Bio: She seems like just a regular highschool student. A nice girl, she keeps average grades and has a decent amount of friends. But that will all change when she is swooped into the world of the hybrids, mysterious people who have powers beyond Hanna's imagination. As the only human among them, she will soon learn the true meaning of friendship, and love, and tragedy. Her mother was killed by a home invader, Hanna was questioned but told the police that she hadnt been in when it happened. Her father walked out on her mother when she was pregnant, so Hanna has been living with her Aunt Lynda since. More TBR. Personality: Nice, Intelligent, but by no means experienced. Until she meets the Hybrids, she is just a regular girl, going to a regular school and doing nice, normal regular things. However, she has always felt as if there was something missing. A deep crevice in her heart which nothing seemed to fill. Perhaps she will finally figure out what that is. Job: Student Theme: N/A