Sharon quickly realized that this situation was turning hostile fast. At least, in her eyes. She scurried away to the other side of the monument, leaving her stuff behind without a second thought. She leered over the side of the monument, trying to watch the group from afar. "..This..isn't good." Factoring out Angelo, who was a minor annoyance at the time, Elise was enough to try and deal with, her constant gaze judging everyone. Sharon shuddered slightly, hiding away behind the side of the monument once more. She curled up into her ball once more, her chin rested on her knees, and Sharon simply waited. Waited for what? Anything, really. Someone to kill her, the "argument" to stop, her father to come back from the dead. As several depressing thoughts began to flood themselves into Sharon's mind during her time of silent reflection, she slowly began to wish that she had brought her book with her.