Lazarus had entered the guild earlier that morning, dressed in his usual white attire. He had actually fallen asleep again in one of the guild chairs until much later, when people began flooding in. He was awoken by the hustle and bustle, and he stood up stretching. "What in heaven is the commotion about?" He murmured. But then he saw. The large banner. Master Jamie began talking, and explaining what was going to happen. Once she was finished, Lazarus sat back down. Speaking very loudly, he called out. "Hey all of you, just because we are guild members doesnt mean anything. I'll go all out to become S class." He grinned. Upon hearing Mayt complaining about it, he snapped a little. "What?!" He yelled like a little child. "This opportunity only comes around on odd occasions, it doesnt matter how powerful you think you are, because that isnt what S class is being about! It's about protecting the guild and moping around isnt doing that!" He was still yelling like an annoyed child. He took deep breaths and returned to his elegant self. "S class, good luck everyone." He straightened his jacket and piped down.