Micheal thought this was getting nowhere, they needed to move fast before Yarsin gets fed up and leaves. "Alright, we have been discussing this long enough, follow me to the meeting point and I'll explain the plan in more detail there. Let's move out." Micheal gestured for the team to follow him, and moved to the rendevous point. It took them roughly 20 minutes to get to the meeting point as it was pretty close the warehouse they were previously at. Micheal looked around in full detail, not many places for people to hide and it was pretty cramped in space, it was a typical meeting square that nobody used anymore. Looking around, he saw that there was a couple of buildings surrounding the place but only a few with adequate rooftops and windows. He saw a nice place where the team can set up and move in if things went haywire. "Alright, the plan is simple, me and Alexa will go talk to Yarsin, You guys scatter yourselves upon that balcony there and get ready in case anything happens, understood? Okay, let's get into position." It looked like Kali, Alexa and me were trying to lead the team, that could get real bad if we start doing that seriously. But back to the task on hand. WIth all or most of the team in position, Yarsin appeared into the square. He didn't see the rest of the team hiding and alternated staring at entrances. Only he and Alexa remained at the entrance, he turned to Alexa, "Alright, I want nothing of this intimidating, don't fuck with me attitude, when we go in, I'll do the talking. He is my contact after all, only start acting tough when I tell you to, not whenever the hell you feel like it. See that scrawny, gray salarian? That's him, now that that's out of the way, ready?" Micheal didn't know how Alexa was going respond, but one thing he was sure of now more than ever, this meeting was going fuck up.