Serenity's eyes gaze over the various runes. So it was an ancestral possession, was it? Most intriguing, and informative. "The Kal'rik Belt? Oooh..." She watches the cloak and smiles softly as he wraps it around himself. It was a cherished possession of his, she could see. "Thank you for sharing that with me." She bows politely, her fluffy white tail swaying gently. "I have lost interested in your drum of... strange contents. Learning a little about your cloak has sated my curiosity. I thank you very much for your time and business." An interesting man, certainly. She may have to come back some time. But, now it was time to continue on her vacation. The ship architect turns and waves over her shoulder as she leaves the store, but only after picking up the wishing paw and plant she'd just purchased. She steps out and nabs another bit of her purchased recreational product and floats it in the air next to her, doing as she did before. She has a bit of fun with the shape this time, though, weaving the smoke all around her as she inhales it. As she walks, she realizes she's forgotten which direction the casino would be in. She was scolding herself internally for letting herself be so airheaded when she felt a large amount of infrared nearby. Some kind of really intense oven, it felt like... an incinerator? In the streets? It was around the next corner. She stepped around and her foot nudged against something on the ground, next to the building. She looked down and moved her foot away, one ear lowering. "A gun grip?" She crouches briefly to pick it up, mumbling to herself, "blown apart... some kind of internal reaction?" She carefully felt at the bent edges of the metal piece. Some of the metal on the grip had torn as the metal had warped and was very sharp, she should be careful not to cut herself. She shrugs her shoulders and looks up. Oh, cleaning bots were here... As well as a really sophisticated robot! Her ears perk up and she bustles over. "Aah, a Ceedromian? Wooow~, it's really rare to see one of you!" She then proceeds to gush about the fine craftsmanship of his hand and arm parts, clearly crafted for precision, and what else have you.