Mayt sighed. "Alright, fine, I'll do the stupid competition." He looks at her. "And it's not I don't think my fellow guild mates can't take a hit, and more of I don't want to get lost in what's going on and do something I regret. I'm not trained to keep my cool in a fight." He crosses his arms, and looks up at stage, lapsing into silence for a few moments. He knew there were at least three people in this guild whose magic would easily counter his, Not that it was that hard to counter. It was worse against physical objects than any other kind. When she asked if he could teach her if she could read, and he thought "I don't really have a stable schedule to do that in, but, maybe. I doubt I'll be a good teacher though, I don't really know how to teach other people things. And language isn't my strongest suit. But, I'll try." He let out a long sigh, letting his cheeks puff out a good bit. He gives her a thumbs up and looked back towards the bar, now just waiting for the fun to begin.