Angel answered him, and annoyed Minato by the way she answered. “Yes well, then I suppose those people eyeing us there in the back are your pack? I did not know the Wolves protected their cumdumps with armed escorts of cyborg gorilla's and other skanks. Your leader must appreciate a good cumdump. Or maybe you are not a cumdump. I wonder which it is, but don't answer me, I like the mystery that surrounds your little group of friends.” He smiled at her, tilted his head and then continued. He listened to Knox, then Angel, as she cut in before Minato could talk to Knox. “Yes well, you see, Knox here is a very good friend of mine.” He grabbed Knox by the hem of his shirt, at his neck, and yanked him up. Minato was not exactly a powerhouse but the boy was practically light as a feather to anyone but a baby. He attempted to push and shove Knox with him to the bar to talk some sense into this baka, who was apparently even worse at gang related stuff than Minato himself, but then mr. Gorilla cyborg ''look at my iron arm'' walked up and grabbed Minato by the shoulder, and did the same to Knox. Knox was being a dumbass again and let on to the pain, but Minato tried to ignore it best he could. It hurt like a bitch though, so he couldn't blame Knox. “Ah yes. See I told you Wolves hunt in packs. How long 'till the others start pulling guns and aiming at us? We can have a real Mexican standoff here!” He tilted his head and smiled again, unaware he was mocking the Wolves leader. Minato turned to face the Cyborg gorilla and winked at him. “Nice arm, where did you find it, the scrap metal yard? Yanked it off of some car? How much horse power does it have, oh wait, I can tell, a pony?” He smiled at him and lowered his hands to his side, clenching them into fists. “You might wanna keep this cyborg robot person in check, um, miss something something. I have no intention to die today, try again tomorrow.” Minato's stance changed a bit, getting ready for a fight, though it was not something he himself noticed. Then the skank changed her attention to the fellow which Minato didn't even know. Perfect, good chance to get this idiot away from the conversation. Minato grabbed Knox by the back of his neck and pulled him with, heading to the bar. He made sure to give Knox an annoyed look as they walked, and as soon as they were out of hearing distance he'd start talking to Knox. “Hey man, great idea to talk to the rivals. Ryker would enjoy that! What the fuck were you doing? Even I know that even talking to them gives off bad vibes, man. What did she try to do, kiss you so you'd tell her where our people live? Have sex with you for the location of most of our money? You're lucky that the guy with.. fuck I don't even know him. Damnit Knox, get my beer.” He was visibly annoyed at the kid for messing up so early in the evening, heck the fight hadn't even started yet! If this was all that Knox would be good for they'd be best off leaving him in a cage and force feed him dog treats, ksu. He'd let the kid go and would look around for something else to focus on. There was the table they were just at, and where they kind of abandoned that fellow. And there was D.J. What the hell, she told Minato to not go here at all, and now she was here, wearing some.. what the.. wait, was that D.J? Minato rubbed his eyes and looked again. It was some girl with the face of D.J strapped onto some lady-like figure with a dress on. How did this happen? And why was she at the Bookie? Was she.. holy hell she was flirting with the Bookie. Without even telling Knox and leaving him free to walk off again, he walked off closer to D.J to listen in a bit. [i]"...perhaps, perhaps you can help me out? I've, uh, I've got cash, more of it than I know what to do with, any tips on who I should put it on?"[/i] Wow! D.J was not so smooth with the flirting! He mimicked her a bit, accidentally doing it out loud. “I've, uhhhhhh, uhhh, I've, uhhhhh... .. perhaps, perhaps you c-can.. perhaps..” Okay, maybe he threw in a bit more uh's and perhaps' than she actually said, but it was funny to Minato. Not realizing D.J was busy with some elaborate plan to get money for their gang, he walked up behind her, sort of fucking over the entire line behind D.J waiting for her slow ass to finish betting, and tapped her shoulder softly. “Hey!” he blurted out, excited and enthusiastically. It seemed as if he had already forgotten about the entire situation back at the table. “I think we may have a situation! Some random bad ass ''look at me I am not scared of anything'' walked up to us and he sort of nodded me towards Knox, who was apparently hanging around with some of our, uh, friends from the other side of town. Long story short, cyborg gorilla is threathening us. How was your day?”