So apparently the kids actual name was Quen-something Something. Seemed like a better name tha- Aurellius stopped suddenly as he noticed the sounds going through the forest. Scarfy/Quen-something was roughly three meters behind him, still catching up to his long strides. In the distance, you could just barely hear the screams of some unlucky students, and the roars of the vicious Grimm as they descended down upon their juicy morsels. Aurellius doubted many of them would get away. Of course, he was stuck baby sitting his own weakling. Suddenly, the Grimm were upon them. It seemed like a large pack of Beowolves, out for some easy targets. Unbeknownst to them, Aurellius was wielding Ascalon. Aurellius could barely notice the voice in the back of his head. Well, more like the kid behind him. He could remember a similar experience years ago. Being the son of a rich business man had its pros. They had owned a small training simulation area, which Aurellius very much enjoyed. The simulation could simulate many different types of arenas, and send out mini drone targets and larger fake Grimm to fight. He had always scored high on the accuracy tests. But he could still remember The Forest. Many different targets in a thick forest with lots of underbrush. It went well. Now, you might think. Oh, you've got a big minigun, why not just spray the entire area? That's stupid. For starters, Aurellius had always been trained to be conscious of his ammunition supply. If your gun fired out five hundred rounds per minute, you were going to run out in three or four. No, he had been taught to keep his gun revved, but not firing. Simple bursts that only took two or three seconds were more than enough to kill smaller targets. Aurellius grinned as he leaped into the air, activating his thrusters as he flew upwards. With a sickening crunch, his lance penetrated the midsection of a Beowolf that had been unlucky enough to dive for him. His lance cut all the way through, killing the Grimm instantly. He twisted midair, bearing his lance down to bear as it transformed. Bright red blood flew out of the newly created hole as his minigun began spinning up. He glared at the kid below him, more or a warning to get the hell down. He fired, only holding down the trigger for around five seconds. Still, it was enough to get the job done. Tracers impacted with the ground, sending up dirt and leaves even as four of the closest Grimm to Scarfy were ripped into shreds. With a kick, Aurellius shoved the corpse off of his weapon as he neared the ground. He laughed as it landed on one of the Grimm, eliciting a whimper of pain. He landed next to Quen-something, his minigun still whirring as he brought his gun around, spotting a trio of Beowolves that were heading straight for the two. [b]Bzzzrrrrt![/b] his minigun screamed, bullets impacting with the three wolf-like creatures. Of course, it stopped as soon as a heavy weight impacted into his side, sending him tumbling. He groaned as he slammed into a tree, but didn't stop. A quick flip of a switch and the Grimm that had tackled him was stabbed, the white tip of the lance appearing on the other side of its head. "Come on, boy! I can't take all of them on my own!"